It's a tossup on whether WWE is going to insult your intelligence, religion or sexual preference. It's become a joke and a farce.

I don't ever recall being nervous before performing because I've already stepped into the shoes and the clothes of the character.

Brock Lesnar is an extraordinary, underrated forward thinker. Every day of Brock's life, he is smarter than he was the day before.

I've never walked through the curtain with someone I wasn't trying to audition as a WrestleMania main-eventer, and I never want to.

Who can deny that it was a pleasure to watch Rob Van Dam interact with the audience and tear the house down for 30 minutes a night.

If Brock Lesnar wants to fight in UFC, Brock Lesnar will fight in UFC. If Brock Lesnar wants to fight in WWE, he will fight in WWE.

But wrestling used to be the same as boxing or mixed martial arts. It used to be about conflict, having a fight, who's going to win.

I had to spend eleven months in the same room with Vince Russo and Vince McMahon, that's where I really got to hate life in general.

I think that Dean Ambrose is driven to create a first-time-ever, unique character that other people in the future can be compared to.

I look at every promo I do as a command performance to do better than I did the previous week if not deliver the best promo of my life.

Shane Douglas accomplished quite a bit in and for ECW, but his career will forever be defined by the moment he threw down the NWA Title.

The thing is, wrestling is the oldest form of combat known. The cavemen wrestled. And everyone in the American public can understand that.

I insulted people. I had to - they deserved it. They didn't have any talent. They stunk. They were horrible! But it made it for a fun show.

If you show me someone who's afraid of failure, I'll show you someone who is not a groundbreaking, innovative pioneer of a certain industry.

Brock Lesnar is not here to put smiles on people's faces. Brock Lesnar is here to shock the WWE Universe and put TEARS in the EYES of CHILDREN!

Brock Lesnar and I have a very unique chemistry. It works. It's worked since 2002; it will continue to work any time we are presented together.

Brock Lesnar and I are as different as any two people can be. What drew us together was the love of the actual performance aspect of what we do.

I don't think anything Ronda Rousey does is going to be the norm. I think everything she does is going to set a new trend and blaze a new trail.

People always say, 'You can't go home again,' but every time I go to the Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Legends Fanfest in Charlotte, it feels like I have.

I'm the only person in wrestling that realizes I'm too old to do this anymore, and that's why I'm not a performer and I'm not going to be on 'ROH.'

I think The Undertaker is, much like Brock Lesnar, a once-in-a-lifetime wrestler, a once-in-a-lifetime athlete, and a once-in-a-lifetime performer.

Brock Lesnar is the most unique athlete in this history of World Wrestling Entertainment, and I say that with without embellishment or exaggeration.

I spent the majority of my adult life in a business where the object is to make people believe that you believe what you say. I was good at that, right?

I've seen inside fans' houses, and they would have pictures of Jesus on the wall, and next to it would be a picture of The Rock 'n' Roll Express. That's no lie.

'Bullet' Bob was one of the most important parts of Smoky Mountain from the start. He was a retired wrestling legend and talked better than anyone on the roster.

Trevor Murdoch is mad, bad and dangerous. He's the only man I know that can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.

I took the antiquated, outdated, passe role of the wrestling manager, and I upgraded it into the upper echelon of sports entertainment to be known as an advocate.

When you think that in the '50s there was wrestling and boxing - that was it. There wasn't mixed martial arts at all; there wasn't even karate in the United States.

I can stay under 215 pounds, which is pretty good for me, if I stay off the road. If I go on the road, I invariably eat garbage and start to lose my girlish figure.

Christian! His parents had nine months to to think of a name, and the best they came up with was Christian!? My parents had nine months and they didn't call me Jew!

We all prosper when folks are more appraised of how great those matches were and how great those talents were from all of the guys who populated the NWA in the '80s.

They way new stars were made in WCW and WWE was by beating the established guys and getting in that mix. When you only have one established guy, that's gonna be hard.

My first memory of the Garden, it's probably like any other kid in New York: it's either watching the Knicks win the championship or Muhammed Ali against Joe Frazier.

One of the greatest matches I ever saw was Jerry Lawler against Terry Funk in the Memphis Midsouth Coliseum, but there was Flair vs. Steamboat in Nashville back in '89.

You can not achieve success without the risk of failure. If you are not afraid to fail, than you have a chance, but you are never going to get there unless you risk it.

You wouldn't have thought Paul Heyman and CM Punk would have been so effective with the WWE Title, but we were because we understood our roles to each and the audience.

We got shorted when it comes to recognition for the '80s war. Everybody talks about the 'Monday Night Wars' and the 'Attitude Era,' but it was neck and neck in the '80s.

I'm impressed with what the NWA has done, what Billy Corgan and Dave Lagana and those guys have done, establishing the NWA title to mean more and have more interest again.

I came along the decade after the generation where a lot of heels were still getting stabbed, so I was always looking for it. I had a bullet-proof vest in a couple places.

People naturally want to see two interesting people - one that they're predisposed possibly to like and one that they're predisposed to dislike - have a fight and see who wins.

Ronda Rousey is a groundbreaker. She is one who charts through territory that has never been explored before and is one of the biggest sports stars in the world, male or female.

The Rock 'n' Roll Express and the '80s NWA crew; Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen, Magnum TA, Dusty Rhodes - that was a great crew of talent and they were all so great to work with.

Old school fans are going to be shocked at just how much of the pro wrestling they grew up watching was, indeed, contrived, manipulated or, as it's called in the business, 'worked.'

The WWE is fine. They can afford to not only sign anybody they really want, but they can also afford to sign people just to keep them out of the talent pool that everybody else has.

I love what I do. I'm passionate about what I do. I live for what I do. And every morning, I can't wait to stop sleeping and to jump up and get out of bed and start doing what I do.

I think ECW itself was a gimmick. I think getting the audience to chant ECW was really something. I don't care if you draw 70,000 people in a dome for Wrestlemania - nobody chants WWE.

The reason why the tag teams are not main event level attractions in the WWE is because Vince McMahon doesn't like it and doesn't present it that way. He'd rather make individual stars.

I would like to do commercials, or even work for WWE if they called me. I wouldn't want to go back on the air or manage again, but I would like to be a spokesperson and do stuff like that.

There's probably as many rules of thumb to wrestling as anything in the world, and then there's just as many exceptions to every one of those rules because somebody doesn't fit that thumb.

I've been a fan of one particular guy since I first saw him in 'Ring of Honor' eight years ago. He was Tyler Black then, but he's Seth Rollins now. And I think he's just the whole package.

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