I'd love to be popular in Barcelona. That sounds like a fun job

Eddie Marlin was a big deal for a long time to a lot of people.

Triple H is one of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time.

I'd love to be popular in Barcelona. That sounds like a fun job.

Curtis Axel has more talent than his grandfather and his father.

I know all about cheating. I've had six very successful marriages.

Are there any swamps in Oklahoma? Yes, there is. It's called Tulsa.

Remember folks, fish are like relatives. After two days, they stink.

There's only two kinds of music I don't like....Country and Western.

There's only two kinds of music I don't like... Country and Western.

Stu Hart trained all his kids--only three of them use the litter box.

He's not pointing to anybody, he's showing off how high he can count!

I've always been of the opinion that great talent can't be held down.

If you ever had your moon salted you'd know how painful that could be.

I can beat anyone, either male, female, animal, vegitable, or mineral.

Vince McMahon has the worst inferiority complex of anybody in history.

Picking out Vince Russo's faults could be a full-time job for somebody.

By the time The Iron Sheik gets to the ring, it will be Wrestlemania 37!

This (Paris,France) wouldn't be a bad place, but it's full of Frenchmen.

I've known the members of Roman Reigns' family since I was 15 years old.

I eliminated stress by eliminating people that I don't enjoy working with.

My own children are John Cena fans- which really pisses me off by the way.

Once you wrestke Rikki Atakki, an hour later you want to wrestle him again.

I'm kind of off modern wrestling. I want somebody to step up and impress me.

I can't deal in ifs or in hypothetical situations. I only deal in absolutes.

You win some and you lose some. Unless you're Virgil, then you lose them all.

Janetty tried to dive through the window to escape, what an act of cowardice.

Cowboy James Storm and Eli Drake, those guys can talk and rile the people up.

I once asked him what came at the end of the sentence... and he said "parole".

Have you ever been to Glens Falls? The city limits signs are on the same post.

When The Phenoix Suns are missing two basketballs, they'll know where to look!

There's the downtown area of Tupelo. Did you see the skyscrapers? Two stories.

Lio Rush, this little guy is a perfect heel manager, updated for modern times.

Nobody ever went and saw The Midnight Express and thought their match was bad.

Rick Steiner is so stupid, it takes him an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes.

Very few people I know deserve to live out their dreams more than Daniel Bryan.

You know they say money can't buy happiness. Give me 50 bucks and watch me smile

What are you doing, looking at me with one eye and chasing a fly with the other?

I'm not looking to be a superstar. That's why I'm positioned as the face of TNA.

I was a huge fan of Shane Douglas and how he used the microphone during a match.

Its amazing that Lou Ferrigno can talk with fifty pounds of cracker in his mouth.

Rick Steiner is so stupid, he once stayed up all night to study for a urine test.

Goldberg is authentic. What you see is what you get, and he's a wrecking machine.

When's the last time you went into a barber shop and saw everyone there unconsious?

Hey Tony [Schiavone], I'm glad to see you back, especially after seeing your front.

There's a lot of crossover between comic fans, wrestling fans and pop culture fans.

You can make a really good one minute trailer out of a really stinky two hour movie.

My Client Brock Lesnar conquered the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania!

Tracy Smothers was the epitome of the perfect Smoky Mountain hero. He was legitimate.

This is more dangerous than double dating with Danny Bonaduce on the Kennedy compound.

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