I have spent a good part of my life showing what an intellectual bubble the Left lives in.

I don't know which way to take Donald Trump. And only time will tell. Only time will tell.

If I do something caring for a friend, I have no doubt in my mind they would do it for me.

I'm sort of the comic relief after a hard day at work. My message is that it's OK to relax

Don't put your nose into somebody else's laundry, if you are not willing to fold your own.

The sheer genius of talk radio and Townhall.com is that the environment is so interactive.

Half of San Antonio's population is of Mexican descent; the other half just eats that way.

There's not a single NFL writer in the country who could diagram a play for Bill Belichick.

I went to the movie this weekend with a gun. And surprise, surprise, I didn't kill anybody!

I said about Van Jones . Be careful. This guy is extraordinarily dangerous and he is smart.

We need to start listening to each other and getting out of our own little labeled bubbles.

It's such a shame that people are so much more worried about being right than being decent.

I call it like I see it. I don't hold back when it comes to being candid on the hot issues.

I'm sort of the comic relief after a hard day at work. My message is that it's OK to relax.

If you think positively instead of negatively, you'll behave better and you'll feel better.

You can't marry boys and expect them to be men - and you can't massage them into being men.

People say to me, 'Why don't you fight fire with fire?' You fight fire with water, not fire.

I always wanted to be on the radio. But my background is more entertainment than journalism.

I never tell the audience what to think of me. When I talk, how you consume it is up to you.

When women criticize men it's called feminism. When men criticize women it's called misogyny

Please understand what the IRS scandal is about: Using the government to shut down opponents

A country is made not by policy alone, but by its music, its entertainment shows, all of it.

The reason that history so often repeats is not only human nature, but also human ignorance.

The government is trying to now close the Lincoln Memorial for any kind of large gatherings.

It's about getting off your ass and maximizing all the opportunities that life has to offer.

Victimization status is the modern promised land of absolution from personal responsibility.

I don't have the level of vitriol and hatred for the other side as some of my colleagues do.

I don't see myself as subversive. I just don't necessarily buy what people tell me initially.

Ever notice, the ones who deny the holocaust are usually the same ones who want to repeat it?

Just listen to Chris Matthews on any given day and you will see what's acceptable on the Left

Left-wing thinking is that difference means unequal; therefore, all difference must be denied

With 500 channels and the Internet available, you'd think a candidate could get the word out.

South Dakota is a great state because of its values, not because of dependence on government.

I spent two yours of my life being anorexic, but I would never dream of throwing up - my God!

My life is what a salmon must feel like. They are always going upstream, against the current.

On the Day of Atonement, Jews are commanded to seek forgiveness from the people we have hurt.

Maintaining America's role as the greatest nation in the world means we must stay the course.

In a true free market economy, you can't make yourself rich without enriching your community.

I have to say that flying on Air Force One sort of spoils you for coach on a regular airline.

Good and happy people who believe in God are the greatest living arguments for God's existence

Libertarians should say, 'I love this country too much to take away votes from the Republican'

So we went on what we now call "The Beck Family Church Tour" and man did we see some churches.

What we don't have a right to is healthcare, housing, or handouts. We don't have those rights.

The white Christian heterosexual married male is the epitome of everything right with America!

I yearn for the day when we'll return to the foundational value that makes this country great.

The more insanity that comes from Washington, D.C., the stronger the loyal opposition becomes.

I would be unelectable. I'm an atheist. As we all know, that is something people won't accept.

But revealing yourself as ignorant apparently gives one extraordinary credibility on the left.

The culture at ESPN, I found when I left, isn't the same as when I came. It wasn't as much fun.

There is little correlation between the circumstances of people's lives and how happy they are.

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