Sometimes my tone stinks.

Defense wins at every level.

Leadership is IQ, it's not skills.

All-Star games don't resonate with me.

I don't live in a would of looking back.

Don't let people with no life ruin yours.

Parlays are for suckers and college kids.

Talent? Overrated. Leadership? Underrated.

Disney hovers over every decision at ESPN.

I can be harsh but I don't think I'm mean.

I've never been a big fan of Cam Newton's.

Quarterback in the NFL is a public position.

I was Mike Schmidt without any of the power.

I can age more elegantly if I curate talent.

Soccer has surpassed, in this country, hockey.

I hurt people with my words and I regret that.

Big game? I'll take Cam Newton over Aaron Rodgers.

I want to be funny and interesting and compelling.

August 1 is the beginning of football season to me.

Tom Brady is the two best quarterbacks of all time.

I've always been very outspoken and very risk oriented.

Troy Aikman has always felt like a Dallas Cowboy to me.

Southern California and Las Vegas are my kind of places.

Tom Brady is fun and happy. Boston is cranky and intense.

Two things make smart men stupid, beautiful women and sports

I really latched on to announcers who were good storytellers.

I don't mind long, extended trips to warm weather destinations.

Wild card teams usually have some flaws or they wouldn't be one.

I have high hopes for my kids, and I'll defend them to the death.

I try to broaden every discussion out, make it very relatable to fans.

I'm in talk radio. A story breaks, I need an opinion. I'm not ESPN News.

This radio business I'm in is full of guys who read the sports page and rip crap off.

There's not a single NFL writer in the country who could diagram a play for Bill Belichick.

I never tell the audience what to think of me. When I talk, how you consume it is up to you.

I don't see myself as subversive. I just don't necessarily buy what people tell me initially.

The culture at ESPN, I found when I left, isn't the same as when I came. It wasn't as much fun.

I am not a friend of eSports. It's the same with professional wrestling - it's for booger eaters.

Sean Taylor, great player has a history of really really bad judgment, really really bad judgment.

The Dominican Republic has not been known in my lifetime as having world-class academic abilities.

A soccer star is on the field for two hours. In hockey, your star player is on the ice for 20 minutes.

I don't like Derrick Rose, he'd rather score than distribute. That's not who I want as my point guard.

One of the things that was really attractive to me about Fox is they have the NFL, and baseball playoffs.

Derek Jeter always felt like New York: the good-looking single guy for all those years. He felt like a Yankee.

So we all want to be liked; I just don't always think I'm that likeable. I think my personality is really 50-50.

Most announcers over talk. I'm in the opinion space so I talk all day, but play-by-play guys generally over talk.

I want to create this really smart, thoughtful podcast network where I do for young people what somebody did for me.

Do I think John Wall has grown up? Absolutely. Do I think he was immature when he broke into the league? Absolutely.

From Cape Cod to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts is home to some of the country's most sought-after summer refuges.

The demographics of this country are changing. And the people coming to this country are soccer fans, not hockey fans.

If I am ever forced to cover guys playing video games, I will retire and move to a rural fishing village and sell bait.

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