I do not believe that Donald Trump is a member of the Alt- right.

I like to put a stake in people, because I know people helped me.

Sports are my favorite. It's the first thing I turn to every day.

When we're hurting, it does not give us a license to hurt others.

Language is our way of communicating what we want and who we are.

The way you get democracy to function is by informing the public.

The joke in our family is that we can cry reading the phone book.

I really believe people should be paid for the work that they do.

Maximize that which gives you joy: friends, hobbies, religion, etc

Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear.

Nothing is irresistible. There is no feeling that is irresistible.

Controlling mothers do not pass the baton to their son's new wife.

There's no point in arguing with me- in my mind, I'm always right.

Citizens of liberal welfare states become increasingly narcissistic

The welfare state may be well-intentioned, but it is a Ponzi scheme

Where are the vehicles to character development in secular society?

Most young people have tremendous respect for older people's views.

I think, men and women are different. We have different challenges.

The TEN Commandments are not prefaced with "If you're in the mood".

Having a sense of purpose in life is the best way to avoid dispair.

It's a tough world out there, and women can't afford to be weenies.

Everyone seemed to want a piece of Ronald Reagan. It was maddening.

The Republicans are 90% corrupt, and the Democrats are 50% corrupt.

A bad mood is like bad breath. Both are wrong to inflict onto others

The United States is the single greatest force for good in the world

The vote, punishment... these ideas are anathema to the liberal mind

The shadows are only the darkest when the light is at its brightest.

My father was right. Unfortunately, he died before I could tell him.

It's humbling and enthralling to know your legacy when you're alive.

I don't know any saint who wanted to be the patron saint of kissing.

Harold Koopowitz a son-of-a-gun! He's a drug peddler, in my opinion.

I think that the tea party, grassroots ideology will win every time.

American is deteriorating because it is becoming like other countries

I feel like the world of Blade Runner makes more sense than this one.

Everyone has the right to go on a vacation without kids if they want.

With the blessings of liberty, we have responsibilities to defend it.

Dad sometimes patted me on the knee and called me his Little Schmuck.

Fox would hire me in a minute. And believe it or not, CNN would, too.

Sometimes it's more important to change politicians than light bulbs.

Rapists who might've been convicted were free to assault other women.

I try to broaden every discussion out, make it very relatable to fans.

Governments grow as God declines, in both Europe and the United States

I don't judge people by their theology, I judge them by their behavior

The Left is not interested in prosperity, it is interested in equality

My goal is to goad people into saying something that ruins their life.

I'm Howard Stern with a vocabulary. I'm the man he wishes he could be.

What is the point of competing for a trophy if everyone gets a trophy?

Your mother doesn't own you. Your father doesn't own you. You own you.

There are so many ways to talk with the people who appreciate my help.

It was my sister Maureen who was responsible for my becoming a Reagan.

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