The rarest of the good qualities in human beings is courage

Every time the government grows we lose more of who we are.

Situations reveal who we are, they don't create who we are.

Oh, well, there's a difference between privacy and secrecy.

Sometimes guys avoid things they don't know how to do well.

Children are not a right, they are a privileged obligation.

If you’re decent to others, then you’re decent to yourself.

For women who turn to welfare, Big Brother becomes Husband.

Two things make smart men stupid, beautiful women and sports

Bill Blankschaen is an emerging new voice in Christian life.

The secret of success is an absolute ungovernable curiosity.

We are a nation divided, but that's what makes us, in a way.

All the way back to Dartmouth, I was part of the insurgency.

Losing a child is probably the singular most horrible thing.

It’s easier to cool down a fanatic than to warm up a corpse.

I really latched on to announcers who were good storytellers.

We conservatives fight evil; the Left fights carbon emissions

Tell me of a right wing-induced hysteria of the last 50 years

Donald Trump is many things, but I don't think he's a racist.

Nobody leaves a house where there is peace, joy and good sex.

Would you stop hoping? Hope is just postponed disappointment.

Principles don't mean anything until they cost you something.

Somehow I understood without the storm I couldn't know myself.

People are like nations-if you help them a lot, they hate you.

I'm getting a little tired of everybody quoting Ronald Reagan.

I mean, Dad's - you know, Dad's friendliest tone was a scream.

Mourning never ends for those who've faced unimaginable losses.

Your freedom to be you includes my freedom to be free from you.

I don't mind long, extended trips to warm weather destinations.

The Obama administration will never say 'radical Islam.' Never.

Taking responsibility for your own life is not a Left wing idea

Self-control is the only possible road to character development

Liberals don't ask 'Does it work?' They ask 'Does it equalize?'

I didn't spend much time with my parents when I was growing up.

Wild card teams usually have some flaws or they wouldn't be one.

It is no longer higher education, it is higher 'indoctrination '

We have a moral obligation to act happy even if we don't feel it

Does the unborn human fetus have at any point the right to live?

More people have done good in the name of God than any other way

A book can open the mind, free the heart, and speak to the soul.

There is no such thing in life as no pain and no disappointment.

I knew if I waited long enough, the Republican Party would rock.

Sharing bad news with strangers is most certainly a selfish act.

I respect someone's right to privacy and I want them to know it.

When a man is in love or in debt, someone else has the advantage.

A lot of people who own a business aren't entrepreneurial at all.

I have high hopes for my kids, and I'll defend them to the death.

Doing well is a conservative idea; meaning well is a liberal idea

Grateful people are good people, and good people are happy people

I really do believe 2012 is coming. What do you think about that?

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