I'd have a sex scene with Whoopi Goldberg or Star Jones.

Sometimes you don't want to believe everything you hear.

Love is an obsessive delusion that is cured by marriage.

When I was 14, I was a passenger in a terrible accident.

The marketing is just as important as the music, almost.

You don't need a band to do hip-hop; you only need a DJ.

At the end of the day, I'm big on principle and loyalty.

I am convinced that in the arts, committees are useless.

No relationship is perfect and no human being is perfect.

When I'm lovin' these hoes, there ain't no love involved.

I always want to read the script before I totally commit.

No one will ever be able to come against me on the beats.

When you're over the hill, that's when you pick up speed.

The funny thing about gold is how quickly it can tarnish.

I don't think there is too much art involved in what I do.

I wouldn't put out anything that I didn't want to ride to.

Some of these pro-drug messages come from popular culture.

I still gotta reacquaint myself with the hip-hop audience.

If you want to be popular all the time, you will misgovern

I wish my friends at William Morris Endeavor all the best.

If you're rude for television's sake, it ain't reality TV.

A song should have all the color and beauty of every rose.

People don't know how hard it is to have your own business

In prison, you get the chance to see who really loves you.

I can't control when somebody likes my song or they don't.

This is Life. Nothing's promised or perfect, neither am I.

In middle school, I had an '87 Regal. That was unheard of.

I don't know how to be a rapper. I just know how to be me.

Electronic music is so weird because trends change so fast.

I can take a three-year-old and make a hit record with him.

Ice Cube is the piece of me that I give away to the public.

I'm in between homes right now, but my last house was dope.

I'm a tremendous believer and supporter in hip-hop and rap.

I like all music. The only music I don't like is bad music.

The record company has fought for themselves, never for me.

You never know somebody till you get in the room with them.

The goal is to make something that sounds new and different.

When I'm not performing? I'm looking for the next big thing.

The True Measure Of Success is determined by your home life.

I have a high tolerance for pain - both physical and mental.

You always want your kids to step up at the moment of truth.

Would I have signed to Def Jam if I knew they was deaf? Nah.

That's my ultimate goal: to get people to say my name right.

My favorite place in the morning is in the shower with Eric.

I saw rock n' roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen.

The most I've smoked in a day was over an ounce, in Germany.

We just wanna see where we stand at right now with our fans.

You Make Your Mistakes To Learn How To Get To The Good Stuff

When you get haters you actually feel like you're a success.

Of all the artists on Death Row, none of them went bankrupt.

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