Anything that got to do with a pig, I ain't eatin'.

You don't have to be super clean to be a super star

My son, O'Shea. He looks like me, and he can rhyme.

Know what you did last summer, so I started hookin'

Disco is a major influence in the world of fashion.

I believe in astrology as much as I do in genetics.

Even if I'm sad, dancing is a way to let stuff out.

I've always been like the No. 1 Boston hip-hop fan.

Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately.

Kill an unborn baby and you still couldn't de-fetus.

I have to admit, I do not listen to much rock music.

Sometimes, when you want to laugh, reality steps in.

Effortlessly, I feel like my records have longevity.

I was very cheap - that's the way I'd always worked.

Every person I meet is a rapper, DJ, or makes beats.

I keep reviewing my feelings about the supernatural.

I've got to pay $5 for gas just like everybody else.

Roast something for the children that they might eat.

Broadway is one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I'm gonna try and change the course of hip hop again.

If you don't know by now, you're never going to know.

You cannot get an A if you're afraid of getting an F.

When I did 'Baby Got Back,' I did it to be unpopular.

My kids get everything they want and are raised well.

Eliminate the unnecessary and focus on the substance.

Groupies are just very enthusiastic fans, that's all.

Since my teen years I was interested in martial arts.

Rather the pain of discipline than the pain of regret.

The only two things that scare me are God and the IRS.

I work hard making music - that's how I earn a living.

There's never been any bad vibes between me and Snoop.

I am reluctant to judge things without being informed.

There's never really been a real hood Christmas movie.

I'm confident as hell when I step in front of the mic.

For me it all started with two turntables and a mixer.

If I don't have a mother, I'll let music be my mother.

For me, the Beatles are proof of the existence of God.

My brother says I'm too famous to hang around with him.

And even when I was close to defeat, I rose to my feet.

Were here to win the race. If we get beat, we get beat.

Rap is a gimmick, but I'm for the hip-hop, the culture.

I don't mind losing, but I don't like losing to cheats.

A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose.

A smile is a facelift that's in everyone's price range!

Nobody got where they are today by living for tomorrow.

I'm weak cause I believe you and I'm mad because I love.

Pop music is awesome, but I like to keep changing it up.

We have to step up as adults and try to guide our youth.

I think I'm unique to the game 'cause of my versatility.

We're here to win the race. If we get beat, we get beat.

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