I think people appreciate honesty.

It's no secret that I wear a kippa.

Not everything can be solved quickly.

I myself am a former commando fighter.

The era of a Palestinian state is over.

You don't talk to terror organizations!

Israel is not Vegas, and it will not be.

You can't be a conqueror in your own home.

I think Gadi Eizenkot is a very good commander.

Israel is stronger than all those who curse it.

There won't be a Palestinian state within Israel.

If you want to change things, it requires bravery.

Israel never targets civilians deliberately, period.

I'm not prepared to give up the truth for popularity.

There is no one single solution to eradicate phishing.

I spent most of my career in hi tech, not in politics.

There are no second chances in the volatile Middle East.

We know that 99.9% of Arab-Israelis are loyal to Israel.

When you negotiate with terrorists, you get more terror.

Israel will not divide its land. We're already too small.

The term 'demilitarized Palestinian state' is an oxymoron.

Judea and Samaria can be a place of refuge for the nation.

People are fed up with the various camps, they want to unite.

I am often in contact with the hareidi public and politicians.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a Palestinian state

Let's be honest: discrimination against Arabs exists in Israel.

Conscientious objection is an intrinsic part of being a soldier.

It often takes time for the Israeli government to get things done.

In the Middle East, we don't have the luxury to indulge in fantasy.

I don't believe in regime change, certainly not in the Middle East.

The Israeli public is frustrated with the way it is portrayed abroad.

I've killed lots of Arabs in my life - and there's no problem with that.

I have not one shred of anger in my heart against Netanyahu or his wife.

I would never take my children and place them next to missile launchers.

The fact that the entire world says something does not mean it is correct

The Palestinian Authority has become the biggest terror body in the world.

It's totally viable to envisage a million Jews living in Judea and Samaria.

Sooner or later, Israel will have to defeat Hamas. There is no way around it.

If worse comes to worst, I say clearly - a soldier must follow military orders.

Jews have been living in Jerusalem way before British people were living in London.

People think that Israelis are mean, evil people who only want to hurt Arabs all day.

I myself have felt the wrath of the media, but that's part of what a good democracy is.

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3,000 years and it's going to be our capital for eternity

Haredi youth are smart, and they are going to bring a big benefit to the high-tech industry.

Netanyahu supports - and he truly does support - building a Palestinian state within Israel.

I very much admire Uri Ariel. I think he's a man of principles, and effective, and I love him.

The Land of Israel goes with the Torah of Israel under the sovereignty of the State of Israel.

I have one identity, and that's Israeli and Jewish. I don't view myself as an American citizen.

We need to do everything possible to save the Jewish state. We don't have another Jewish state.

Jews can build in New York, Moscow and Paris, but in our own land, we can't build? That's nuts.

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