Business has a responsibility to give back to the community.

I enjoy training so much, sometimes I don't want it to stop.

The victory is always sweeter... winning things with friends.

It takes effort to promote what you do until it becomes habit.

I was playing like a rugby league player with 14 rugby players.

The Polynesian guys are pretty strong without going to the gym.

A physical therapist does some unbelievable stretching with me.

I thought I would have a quiet pint ... and about 17 noisy ones.

PMP was in an almost diametrically opposite situation to Fairfax.

I thought about dying whenever I got bad news about other people.

I was diagnosed with the illness right before the 1995 World Cup.

This looks a good team on paper, let's see how it looks on grass.

For missing a 10 minute swim - I think it was out of order really.

Its like a Contiki tour, getting on and off buses, getting pissed.

If there was a Harlem Globetrotters of rugby league, he’d be in it.

Those Aussie rugby fans are a bunch of sore losers. I hate 'em all.

I`ve never seen an orange with the label Castle on it made of glass.

Hopefully, I can put the pictures they take of me up on my Facebook.

I play with a fear of letting people down. That's what motivates me.

The heart is willing, the head is willing but the body's had enough.

That's what happens in the world. You get offered superior contracts.

I play with a fear of letting my team down. That's what motivates me.

I want to be more than just some guy who played in a World Cup final.

You are always going to get extreme views around coaches and players.

I've seen a lot people like him, but they weren't playing on the wing.

Wayne Bennett believes in himself and his players, and he always will.

Growing up, I supported Manchester United, and my hero was Mark Hughes.

I want to reach for 150 or 200 points this season, whichever comes first.

I know what a long shot race is like, and I'm willing to put the work in.

On the field you gives it, you takes it, and yer doon't fookin' groomble!

Nerves are natural, it means you're ready to face a challenge and perform.

In no other game but love can you make all the right moves and still lose.

I just want to concentrate on my rugby and enjoy it and live in the moment.

The time for reminiscing is after rugby. Then you can sit down and get fat.

With ski jumping I reached a plateau and the more I did it the worse I got.

Bryan Habana likes to talk himself up before games and then nothing happens.

If you can beat New Zealand, then you're probably going to win the World Cup.

As you get older, the defeats become more painful. They definitely hurt more.

Love is the only endeavor in which knowing what you're doing is no help at all.

The time I've spent in professional Premiership club rugby has been invaluable.

If you start thinking about retirement in six months' time, you're already there.

I think my form dipped after the Six Nations in 2007, from the World Cup onwards.

Winning the World Cup was the worst thing that ever happened to the England team.

I'm pretty aware that the pursuit of perfection is, inherently, a flawed concept.

You want to win big? PFS Style? Start early & get promoted strong at every level!

Due to a life of training and playing, I seem to spend half my time in the shower.

Creating your own urban farm is as simple as planting your flowerbeds with edibles.

It annoys me when people who don't know what they're talking about boo the referee.

St George won 11 premierships with one Raper, imagine how Canterbury will go with 13.

There are more Baptist preachers in Texas than Baptist missionaries in all the world.

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