If I had been a winger, I might have been daydreaming and thinking about how to keep my kit clean for next week.

If you stick around long enough and you do enough of the right things, you get seen in a largely positive light.

I was exposed to the gym at about 28. I never had a huge love or appetite for it - it was just a means to an end.

No leadership, no ideas. Not even enough imagination to thump someone in the line-up when the ref wasn't looking.

Your biggest challenge is a middle class mindset; PFS goes against the traditional, middle class way of thinking.

As Joel said, there's a bit more licence to attack over here, whereas the NRL is a bit more grinding-type football.

The big upside to being captain is it's a huge honour, but the downside is that there is definitely extra pressure.

Bloody Jackson - he can land it on a 20 cent piece. Trouble is, it's usually in a bloke's pocket in the grandstand.

I always say to people that you have never seen the best of me, and that's what I mean - I've never been fully fit.

I do, have done and always will believe that I am very capable of performing and thriving at any level of the sport.

I'm very happy to be back playing rugby for England again - there were times when I questioned if this would happen.

Nowadays there are too many players who can't get a contract elsewhere, who come to England and just take the money.

People complain professional sportsmen are locked away but when they get out and enjoy themselves, people have a go.

The great thing about playing team sport is you win and lose together, and the pain is never as bad when you share it.

New Zealand are the best team in the world - the execution and accuracy of their skills were a lesson in modern rugby.

After an All-Blacks surprise loss to the French in the 1999 Rugby World Cup: “The French are predictably unpredictable.

My life has been forged by middle class values: faith, hard work, deep respect for America and all that she stands for.

Not too many people know how hard I have worked since I broke my jaw. I have been flogging myself on the training paddock.

This morning I was standing in the shower and thought how I was sick of losing and how it was about time I had a big game.

Don't ask me about emotions in the Welsh dressing room. I'm someone who cries when he watches Little House on the Prairie.

'Concentrate on measuring performance and winning will take care of itself'. That is a brilliant excuse for coming second.

You can go to the end of time, the last World Cup in the history of mankind, and the All-Blacks will be favourites for it.

I'm fairly adventurous with my eating. I've tried kangaroo, and Moreton Bay bugs, which are a kind of lobster, are so good.

In your mid-20s, you think you'll go on for eternity. Then a point comes where you realise that's not going to be the case.

The aspect of sport that you learn is that you have your good times and your bad times, but you share it with great people.

There isn't a single one of us who hasn't harvested either the positive or negative effects of a simple choice of behavior.

You never sit on your laurels. It is always a case of trying to work on your deficiencies as much as working on your strengths.

I vary my days between skiing and snowboarding - I can go fast down pisted runs but still struggle in the bumps on a snowboard.

I'm not necessarily proud of the World Cups and the grand slams won or lost, the amount of points I scored, this record or that.

So my view's quite clear. I believe Cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is the first example, i believe they're going to Change the world.

I think training and being dedicated is very important, but one aspect that I always live by is that I enjoy myself in what I do!

The problem with me is I always think I should've done better. I felt that after the World Cup final and through my whole career.

Brian seemed to be in a state of confusion. I thought of packing my bags and going home. The squad seemed to me to be rudderless.

Obviously a lot has gone on, and I feel I am different person, I haven't had a beer since New Year's, which is pretty big for me.

I've got a lot of cutting and pasting to do, gentlemen, so why don't you please return to your porch rockers and resume whittling.

It's been a long road back to health and fitness for me. I am just glad to have been given the opportunity to do what I love most.

Right through to the end of the last World Cup game, I still couldnt bear the thought of not being perfect or letting people down.

Right through to the end of the last World Cup game, I still couldn't bear the thought of not being perfect or letting people down.

There is nothing so revered yet so reviled as war; for even as it brings out the worst in men, it also brings out the best in them.

I played ten injury-free years between the ages of 12 and 22. Then, suddenly, it seemed like I was allergic to the twentieth century.

So impressed with John Mitchell. His response to this attack has been courageous and brilliant! I wish him and the Lions all the best!

Show me a dog who still cannot perform a task after it has been trained over and over again, and I'll tell you who the slow learner is.

I believe it's time for direct action on climate change, standing together as ordinary Australians to take control of our shared future.

I like to think I play rugby as it should be played - there are no yellow or red cards in my collection - but I cannot say I'm an angel.

I say to the young blokes, when you get asked for an autograph, don't knock it back because there'll be a time where no one will ask you.

I have a stab wound on my left hip and one on my thigh and a slash mark across my right calf. I have a bottle stab wound on my left calf.

You have perspective when little people come into your life. You take the best things you have and let them overshadow your disappointment.

I had come across a few sports psychologists, and I had no time for nearly all of them. I just don't think they work in a team environment.

As the summer moves on, there are Saturday nights when I come home and find friends I haven't even been out with sitting up in the hot tub.

Each haka has its own interpretation, but you have to make sure you are in unison with your team-mates; the haka should be a proper war cry.

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