When you talk to family and friends, they can't tell you anything from an impartial point of view because they have a vested interest in you.

Our downfall as a species is that we are arrogant enough to think that we can control Mother Nature and stupid enough to think it is our job.

I have lost three semi-finals at Newlands. I was hoping that last year would be a lucky number three. It was close, but we could not make it.

It doesn't mean anything when we go back to Sydney and its round one and we're starting from scratch in the NRL. That's the one we really want.

Make sure to be well informed before accepting the challenge of a commission - check out that you have a source of reference readily available.

To know whom to strike is competence; to know how to strike is skill; to know where and when to strike is art; to know why to strike is victory.

I said I'll need to get my nose straightened one day so that I can breathe properly and that was translated by the press into me having it done.

For me to get through the toughest periods in my life, I had to look within to find the energy to do it. I don't give up. Never have. Never will.

I refuse to go into a fast-food outlet - to use the toilet even - in case anyone got the wrong idea and thought I was sneaking in a quick burger.

Timmy Horan was a childhood hero. He was a great distributor, elusive, good stepper, very physical, defensively very sound. What a rounded player.

This is a highly reliable power source. Being a large credit card processor, doing $6 million an hour in transactions, our computers have to work.

My own position is so far on the obsessive side of preparation and professionalism that I fear my point of view is not going to be shared by anyone.

I certainly look at the modern guys and think they are a different species to when we played. They are fitter and their conditioning is extraordinary.

Having played in both competitions over recent years I believe that although standards continue to rise in Super League, the NRL is a better competition.

It's 45 minutes after the game right now and I still don't want to take this jersey off. That's because I know that when I do it'll be for the last time.

Aaron Cruden and Beauden Barrett have both been decent, but Dan Carter takes it on to a different level, and he kicks his goals better than both of them.

Mind you, I would not want the pressure of being number one in the world just two years before a World Cup. There is only one way to go and it is not up.

There is a spiritual aspect to our lives - when we give, we receive-when a business does something good for somebody, that somebody feels good about them!

Looking back, my whole life seems so surreal. I didn't just turn up on the doorstep playing rugby, I had to go through a whole lot of things to get there.

Looking back, my whole life seems so surreal. I didn't just turn up on the doorstep playing rugby; I had to go through a whole lot of things to get there.

When you're obsessive, like me, searching for something unattainable can become unhealthy... it's like falling through the air and grabbing at the clouds.

When you're obsessive, like me, searching for something unattainable can become unhealthy ... it's like falling through the air and grabbing at the clouds.

Rugby gave me a confidence. I was quite shy and relatively timid, but it gave me the confidence to be a little bit more out-going and back myself a bit more.

It's happened a couple of times in training when I hyper-extend my back. Some facet joints send all the muscles in my lower back and lumbar-spine into spasm.

How do I take a step? How do I lift my foot off the ground, move it through the air a little bit and then bring it down? I had to teach myself to walk again.

Being recognised by Guinness World Records in their 60th year is a real honour. It's also a real privilege for me to be positioned beside such sporting greats.

Design isn't Art. It's not about creating beautiful or thought-provoking things for the sake of it. Design is a discipline creating communication with a purpose.

We had started the tour hoping to make about 200 pounds each as the All Blacks (All Golds) had done the previous year. We got nothing and were lucky to get home!

In a team situation, I think the players are more inclined to give the answer they believe the psychologist is looking for rather than maybe being totally honest.

To make this announcement fills me with great sadness, but I know I have been blessed in so many ways to have experienced what I have with the England rugby team.

A recession is when you have to tighten your belt; depression is when you have no belt to tighten. When you've lost your trousers - you're in the airline business.

We play a tough game. If people want to whinge, they can go to a different sport. It's part of the game, it's what I love about it . . . and I'd hate to see it go.

There is still a big onus to be coached. I understand the best teams don't need a huge amount of coaching, but that's when a coach should decide not to do coaching.

Having the equivalent of 150,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs at the ready does nothing to protect us from terrorists planning to sneak in a bomb through a cargo container.

If we reduced the amount we spend on maintaining our nuclear weapons by a small fraction, we could reallocate those funds to improve kids' health care and schooling.

I used to love looking at a recipe, getting all the bits and pieces in the shops, getting them ready and prepared... I don't really have the time to do that anymore.

There have been a couple of things I've been involved in launching that have been a bit more public, but I've always had other things tipping away in the background.

Towards the end of 2003 it was hard to get through training - and the darkest point was when a doctor told me there was a possibility I could end up in a wheelchair.

Until you win a series, it's difficult to place yourself in that elite group of great Lions players. It's not enough to produce one-off performances or be nearly-men.

For me, it took five years to understand what professionalism meant. But I'm more settled now. I'm married, life changes, and I've been lucky in managing my injuries.

The one-handed palmer can always reach higher, they say. They may be right, but the result is that nearly every line-out is like a tropical island - all waving palms.

Sort of desolate, decayed, the smell of - I don't want to dramatise it - but death, you know. That is what it feels like, no-man's-land, and it is not a nice place to be.

Last summer was probably the biggest disappointment of my career, but now I have something bad with which to balance the good. I will no longer take anything for granted.

Most people who are looking to get a handgun are going to get a carry permit. But most people don't carry around rifles with them; they keep them at home or at the range.

We went to see him later (on Saturday night) and he was sitting on his hospital bed, getting pelters from my missus for still being in his dirty kit, absolutely stinking.

I suppose once upon a time a Test match was something you looked forward to go and watch. It's very hard to get the quality these days because the focus is more on quantity.

A French player, Sylvain Marconnet, broke his tibia skiing in 2007 and missed his home World Cup. For me the risk of breaking something versus the reward was never worth it.

I was on the computer the other day and typed my name into Google. Everything on there was bad. I hope in a few years there might be something there about me playing football.

The entrance into Jerusalem has all the elements of the theatre of the absurd: the poor king; truth comes riding on a donkey; symbolic actions - even parading without a permit!

As an English player you are lifted when the crowd gets behind you. The atmosphere over here can be unsettling for the Australian players and I hope all our fans get behind us.

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