Being involved in sports, you think less about how your body looks and more how it performs.

A good tattoo always has a story that runs deeper than the skin, and Inked tells that story.

You know, I wouldn't even call snowboarding a sport, you know for me it's just a way of life

I've gotten to work with some amazing brands that, in many cases, market to female consumers.

I get e-mails from mothers asking me to call their daughters for a date. I have a great life.

Getting into music has changed my personality and way of doing things. I'm far more open now.

It would be really nice to have a venue stop in Japan someday. Japan would be perfect for it.

Every time I've had a bad performance at an event, I've come back more determined and focused.

Have a specific goal every time you hit the gym; this way, your workouts have built-in purpose.

I like being able to have things that identify you in a brand without blatantly showing a logo.

I didn't want to make a game unless I felt in the position to make something new and different.

Every year, I push myself to do something different - and push the boundaries a little bit more.

As long you are doing what you love and making decisions from the heart, you will be successful.

There's always room for improvement, but the judges are looking for big airs and stylish tricks.

I'm on the road a lot, but I eat healthy whenever I can with foods that don't contain pesticides.

I'm a two-time Olympian, but ever since I was a little girl, the Olympic dream has influenced me.

I've been a vegetarian, I've been a Paleo, and now I believe in the everything-in-moderation diet.

The Olympics is really awesome, but for some snowboarders, it's not the biggest thing in the world.

When I went pro at 13, I had plenty of sponsors that give me endorsement deals and stuff like that.

I'm not too big on moisturisers and fancy skin products. I keep my grooming regime nice and simple.

I've always been into powder, that's what I like riding, and now you've got to go farther to get it.

It's exciting to go from snowboarding to skateboarding because I get to start as the underdog again.

I'm proud of the U.S.A. We've done some amazing things. To wear our flag in the Olympics is an honor.

You can only jump so far until you break your leg. You can only land so hard until something explodes.

I suffer every moment of every day that I am not with my son. All I want is to be reunited with my son.

I feel vulnerable on mountains. It's an uncontrolled, raw environment. It's very - it's truly humbling.

If we want authenticity, we have to initiate it. Self-discovery takes us to the wildest places on earth

In all aspects of my life, I try to reduce my impact on the earth - that includes snowboarding, as well.

Meeting actors and TV personalities is one thing, but I just feel like meeting musicians is the coolest.

When you find yourself hitting up against a wall over and over again, it's time to try a different route.

I've been to Japan so many times, but I still constantly stumble across things that are so foreign to me.

Usually the thing that signifies that I'm done with the winter and all that is that I start skateboarding.

The boarding I do is pretty strenuous and because I'm so active I really don't have to work out too often.

I realized pretty quickly just how big and aggressive some of the mountains were down in Nagano Prefecture.

Get a composter and let nature breakdown your compostable trash and use the remains as mulch for your plants.

It's probably the most personal project [The Fourth Phase] I've done, which changed the dynamic a little bit.

I was told from a very young age that I wasn't gonna be anything. That I wasn't gonna amount to a single thing.

I am a pretty recognizable, like, I walk through the airport or something, you are going to spot me right away.

I think it mostly comes down to trying to align with people who are down with a mission and will bring optimism.

When I win, I'm happy. When I lose, I'm also happy. I'm grateful for this life I have to live. It's a great life.

Climate change poses a far greater threat to the outdoor industry than even the privatization of the public lands.

If you're going off a 90-foot jump, you can't say: 'Oh, I don't want to do this now.' You're going no matter what.

Having the balance to be able to stay on the board in skating and surfing gives you all-around much better balance.

What you ride and how you choose to ride is such a dynamic part of what this contest [ Ultra Natural] is built for.

There's not really anywhere I can go without being recognized, but if I put my hair up, that cuts the crowd in half.

Change can be uncomfortable and scary. But I believe change exists to teach us to appreciate and enjoy the right now.

I couldn't do my homework if my room wasn't clean. And it has carried on now that I am older, in a very freakish way.

It's a pretty heavy thing that happens to me when I'm at competitions. I get so sucked in, I can't really turn it off.

Now you're gonna take beatings. It's written in our DNA, you know. You're gonna go down. You get up, it's that simple.

What you do once you're beyond the confines of your local lift service can be as limitless as the mountains themselves.

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