I've always been a guy who wants to play sports, not watch them.

Don't hurry, don't worry, and don't forget to smell the flowers.

I'm trying to simplify my life, I guess that's my latest project.

I'd like to date, but I'm not really in a position to meet girls.

Make your relationships more important than your accomplishments .

I don't think the sport is any more dangerous than it's ever been.

I have the most fun snowboarding when it's just me and my brother.

I wasn't your average kid. I was signing autographs in Japan at 12.

I feel very fortunate to be healthy, so I try to take advantage of it.

When I finally got to go ride the mountains in Japan, it blew my mind.

As pro snowboarders, skiers, etc., we all know that what we do is risky.

I've always wanted to land a 1080, it's been a beast of a burden for me.

We'll never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it.

With the new year comes a refueled motivation to improve on the past one.

Skateboarding is training, but I don't think of it as training. It's fun.

I didn't set out to beat the world; I just set out to do my absolute best.

I'm very much looking forward to doing nothing fixed, just riding for fun.

Walk, skateboard, bike, car pool, or use mass transit more, and drive less.

Ask anyone who knows me - I am constantly moving things around in my place.

Even getting one amazing shot in a pristine environment is what I live for.

You've made the time to go to the gym, so don't just go through the motions.

Competition pushes me to improve. If I see someone do a big trick, I try it.

I'd love to try and get a summer and winter gold medal-that would be amazing.

I just want to be the guy that inspires other kids to come do what I'm doing.

When I came back to skating, everyone was like 'Oh you're the snowboard guy.'

Eat lots of fresh vegetables, drink water, exercise often, and meditate daily.

When the pressure's on, I always seem to go bigger and land everything better.

If you think I've got a lot of sponsors, you should see the stuff I turn down.

You can’t let your current circumstances dictate what kind of choices you make.

I've had cumulative concussions and realized that's something you carry with you.

Some people attach snowboards to their feet, very few attach them to their souls.

When I first started snowboarding, there weren't a lot of girl riders on the hill.

We need more balance in the world - more balance of the feminine and the masculine.

I'm really disappointed at every event if I don't do less than what I wanted to do.

I'm on the road a lot so when I get some time to relax I definitely take advantage.

I typically have breakfast, have a snack, have lunch, have a snack, and have dinner.

I want to keep snowboarding as long as I'm still having fun and progressing my riding.

I think fans can tell if you just slap a skateboarder on a game - you can't fool kids.

When your location is a snowy mountain in the winter the obstacles are pretty extreme.

I actually enjoyed getting lost in Japan's backroads, finding myself in a wasabi farm.

Meditation isn't necessarily this magical experience where we don't ever have thoughts.

You take a crash, you get back up and next time you succeed and that's a great feeling.

I love the sport of snowboarding so much, but I just don't want to talk about it, ever.

Oakley and Burton have been my main sponsors since '87. I've been riding for both of them.

Every single one of us has the unique opportunity to create awareness and influence change

It's okay to feel nervous before a competition because it means you care about doing well.

A weird thing happens when you're taken out of your normal clothing and put into USA gear.

Games have always a big part of my life. I was that kid freaking out over his new Nintendo.

When kids come up to me and say. 'I want to be like you,' it fires me up. It's pretty cool.

Mt. Hood is still one of my favorites for its sun, warmth, and slushy, forgiving conditions.

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