We cannibalized this bike as much as we could've.

Three fires is the international distress signal.

Altitude sickness is gonna put the screws on you.

There is a self-love solution for every challenge.

Here's the bottom line, we're either going or not.

That's a huge part foul man; that's just not cool.

I'm so interested in the brain. I read true crime.

My sister has been there for me through everything.

The life you're leading is the sexiest part of you.

Do I believe that God is a sugar daddy? Not at all.

As much I can stay away from people, I remain happy.

Anyone who tells you to deny yourself is from Satan.

Brandon Boyd of Incubus is hot, but he's too pretty.

God created us to thrive on encouragement from others

I have a lot of wonderful things happening in my life.

I would love to work with Julia Roberts at some point.

I was twelve years old when I started reading 'Vogue.'

I have no idea how women manage their hair. Seriously.

Normally people can't keep their goddamn mouth closed!

I want to do other things like more fashion campaigns.

I love 'X Factor,' and I love Sharon: she's brilliant.

Redneck law: Must have a gun. Must shoot it regularly.

Where I come from, the attitude to have is to not quit.

Sometimes you have to take the harder course of action.

Finally, I get to have houseplants and they stay alive.

I have my own personal opinions, but they're just that.

I believe and have always believed in the Holy Trinity.

To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God.

I loved playing with Barbies - that's why I didn't stop!

I love red. Red pants. Red suit. Red coat. Red anything.

I'm a combat diver, I've never done something like this.

I club the thing over the head and that's the end of it.

Promotion is absolutely essential in the movie business.

I only travel with a carry-on suitcase in most instances.

You know this is a dicey situation anyway you look at it.

Many reality shows have failed because everyone's acting.

As always, I am receptive to whatever doors God may open.

Studs are the easiest way to add some edge to your outfit.

I do hope to increase what I do into a Brad Goreski brand.

My motto is to keep it simple stupid, work smart not hard.

I hate people like that...who have no pride in themselves.

When I was younger, I used to say, One day I'll be famous.

What I envisioned to see was a group of guys drinking beer.

I have found clarity in my head and heart from being a mum.

One thing you can never underestimate is the power of water.

I don't think I'm beautiful. I just think I can scrub up OK.

Strictly is the master of all dance programmes. It's so big!

In the Hebrew language, there's no such word as coincidence.

You don't set off in life to be mediocre. At least, I don't.

Let's go Matt; we aren't strolling through Central Park here.

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