One of my style commandments is to always have beautifully radiant skin.

When I used to have braces, I would match my rubber bands to the season.

I know that I basically have the same hair as Beaker from 'the Muppets.'

Apparently Matts been busier than a centipede at a toe counting contest.

I sometimes wonder what this person or that person might be like in bed.

David Bowie was awesome the easiest, coolest interview I have ever done.

I think women are usually a little bit nervous about wearing white denim.

I think everyone, once in his life, should be given a ticker-tape parade.

We'll stay warm tonight even if we have to sit by each other and snuggle.

Usually guys with your skill set like to eat bugs; I don't get that dude.

People think I'm so confident. Close family members can see through that.

I never ask anyone for anything. I've just not been brought up like that.

I'm going to get you a broken alarm clock so you'll get up in the morning.

I'm not much of a beer drinker, you know what I drink? Peach wine coolers.

I don't know about you, but rattlesnake sounds pretty damn good right now.

Once you've been in the public eye, you are always going to be criticised.

I came to let you know, God is not going to his authenticity be destroyed.

I don't care what anything was designed to do, I care about what it can do.

On the first flight test of any spacecraft, you're going to find surprises.

Yet again, Matt pulled another rabbit out of his hat and got a fire for us.

The fools that came in here brought their beach gear to a cave...go figure.

As soon as you Botox your smile lines away, you lose part of your identity.

I look for lessons in every experience. It adds to my leadership abilities.

I love weddings: happy people coming together to celebrate in great clothes.

I'm a crier. You won't see me lashing out, but you will see me crying a lot.

I think every minute you're in a situation like this, your clock is ticking.

My wife is a size zero and eats more than I do, and I'm a 6'4", 225 lb. man!

Everyone needs a safe place in life, and pastors can be people's safe place.

A slick ponytail is a great way to add a modern, minimal look to your outfit.

My childhood bedroom had wallpaper that was printed with clouds and rainbows.

It's so cheesy, but I'm a firm believer in 'If you build it, they will come.'

I was not expecting my sister to ask me to be her best man. I was so honored.

I love sandwiches. Let's face it, life is better between two pieces of bread.

All I've ever really done is page 3 in The Sun, and not every man reads that.

I can't just go out in a T-Shirt and say, 'Hey, today I'm not wearing a bra.'

As soon as you 'Botox' your smile lines away, you lose part of your identity.

Hollywood and fashion are symbiotic partners, especially during awards season.

Being on the red carpet is both fun and a little nerve wracking, but more fun.

I feel very lucky because I get to work in so many different areas of fashion.

As a test cricket lover, and as a cricket lover, I like all forms of the game.

I was a psycho woman. It felt like something in me that I had no control over.

If we know we're just going to have sex and then ditch the guy, it can be fun.

It's very rare that I get really upset about something my assistants have done.

The faster you can signal for rescue, the faster you get out of that situation.

Most of my hunting experiences has been in tree stands. I've never called deer.

Capturing a beautiful moment in a photo is something I'm very passionate about.

First Fruits has impacted my life personally and the lives of countless others!

Paris is one of my favorite cities, but Paris during Fashion Week is everything!

People aren't hiring me to be a 'yes' man. They have their girlfriends for that.

The only ones I trust really are my Mum and Dad and those who are closest to me.

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