Sometimes stories are inherently important whether or not they have a direct relation to your life.

I've learnt to not look that deeply into what people say as it's mostly a reflection of themselves.

Nonni's Biscotti Bites fit perfectly in my camera bag for a spontaneous break between photo shoots.

Your future is found in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what others do occasionally!

Champions have the courage to keep turning the pages because they know a better chapter lies ahead.

It never crossed my mind that one day I'm gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show, you know?

I'm the kind of person that, if someone says, 'Oh yeah, you can't do that,' I want to then go do it.

Mother Nature is a relentless ruthless killer. She don't give a damn if you get home to your family.

Donald Trump let the American public into every aspect of what it meant to be successful in America.

I asked each one of them to make out with me and their reactions varied from excitable to horrified.

With glitzy add-ons, the bright, girly dress you bought for daywear becomes fancy enough for evening.

Some of the 'worst' red carpet looks of all time, it turns out, were really just ahead of their time.

I just felt that space was the next thing coming in aviation. It was higher, faster. It had the risk.

Getting lost in a place like this you can almost guarantee that you aren't going to make it out here.

I know this guy is a musician so I hope he can play us a tune that could get us the hell out of here.

Places like Ministry of Sound are too druggie for me. Smaller, local places are where it's at for me.

When I was 17 I sent a picture up to an agency, and within a week I was in The Sun five days in a row.

When a person feels so trapped and no options, they become desperate and in the middle of desperation.

Long after Donald Trump is no longer President Trump, I know there will still be a relationship there.

I believe when people can find out who they are, then you can be equipped to handle life's situations.

Paris and Nicky Hilton? Those girls will show up to the opening of a phone book. It's like a big joke.

Being able to look cute, at all times, while being able to peel off layers is the most essential thing.

I'm Canadian, so I'm a big fan of the Canadian tuxedo - that's what we call it. I wear it all the time.

I shop online mostly. I like to shop from the comfort of my own home without a sales person bugging me.

I'm not in the business of holding people's hands after I've expressed to them my needs numerous times.

The first rule of comedy should be, you must be very lazy. Whoever works should be immediately removed.

The terrain is thinner, the vegetation is greener, that's a good sign we're getting close to the coast.

I think, [ "You're All That"] it's based around the biblical principles and truths that transformed me.

I truly believe that [America loves] the people that don't play to the audience and are just themselves.

I had my group of friends, you know, like my real group of friends, and then I had, like, party friends.

Being a celebrity stylist, there are many tricks of the trade that I use in my house and with my clients.

Progress not perfection... you can't be perfect everything... but you can gain progress on a daily basis.

That is how our marriage is working so well. My secret of happiness is keeping my contact to the minimum.

I didn't get at first put into a rehab facility; I got put in a adolescent psychiatric unit for my detox.

You've always got to have a plan B. You've got to be able to shift gears and find a new course of action.

To think someone can go out and sell something about you is really disgusting. I'm much more careful now.

Someone's opinion of you isn't reality... unless you decide to allow it!! You are who God says you are!!!

I preach in countries if I say 'Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life,' they'll arrest me.

Anyone that's ever listened to my message knows very well, that I believe in very solid biblical beliefs.

Making duck calls is the hardest thing that we make, so there's skill involved, and they're all handmade.

The Sacred Bombshell knows that her creative feminine energy is a catalyst. She remembers her womb wisdom.

Everything is very individual for me in the way that I work; I don't just show a rotating rack of clothes.

As well as being in love, we're great friends. Warren makes me feel wanted, and that counts a lot with me.

As the producers of 'Unplanned' learned, there is no article of faith so central to Hollywood as abortion.

Overall, we've lost risk-takers on the red carpet at the Academy Awards. All too often, stars play it safe.

I grew up in Delhi, where there are no Parsis. But once I came to Mumbai, I realised how quirky Parsis are.

Everyone knows the rules of three's, you can survive three weeks without food, but not in this environment.

Women are more likely to have sex and fall in love, which can be tough because that's not the way men work.

I stick to my own type when I go out, and I don't make friends with people just because they're celebrities.

Remember, when something leaves your life, God is making room for something much better to enter! Get ready!

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