Trying mirchi vada was like an achievement for me as it's too spicy!

The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another.

An achievement is a bondage. It obliges one to a higher achievement.

If you want to achieve widespread impact and lasting value, be bold.

Gay weddings will be remembered as Tony Blair's greatest achievement!

Burning Man is a crowning achievement of freedom in festival culture.

Winning the FA Cup with Manchester United was my biggest achievement.

I'd like to get to the point where I can be just as mediocre as a man

I'm not the type who'll yell about my achievements from the rooftops.

This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.

Simplicity means the achievement of maximum effect with minimum means.

It is the docile who achieve the most impossible things in this world.

Happiness is not merely money, which is fun for effort and achievement

The key to success is not through achievement, but through enthusiasm.

The great achievement of liberal Protestantism was to make God boring.

Your level of achievement will rise to meet the level of your purpose.

The serene and peaceful mind is the true epitome of human achievement.

To this day, one of my proudest achievements is captaining my country.

Spiritual achievement costs much, though never as much as it is worth.

Freedom is an internal achievement rather than an external adjustment.

You earn the right to expect recognition by giving it! It's that simple

Before any great achievement, some measure of depression is very usual.

When you're young, the silliest notions seem the greatest achievements.

Polarizing is the greatest achievement in any art form, even in cinema.

The book is so rich and yet it is well done. A rare achievement indeed!

Perfection is the lowest standard of achievement. Doing is the highest.

Theories are more common than achievements in the history of education.

There is a necessary limit to our achievement, but none to our attempt.

To pray as God would have us pray is the greatest achievement of earth.

The word gap leads to an achievement gap and has life-long consequences

Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.

High achievements in art, music, etc., are the results of concentration.

Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly.

I've learned that every great achievement was once considered impossible

Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.

My real achievement is my daughter and my three beautiful grandchildren.

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.

Limitation of aims is the mother of wisdom and the secret of achievement.

In the world of bad movies, 'Death to Smoochy' is a towering achievement.

Stupidity is a personal achievement which transcends national boundaries.

Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone.

Sometimes, we just don't know enough about what we are trying to achieve.

I think working with Amitabh Bachchan in a film is an achievement for me.

It is in the doing that the real blessing comes. Do it! That's our motto.

Finding the balance between body, mind and spirit is a great achievement.

It's people like that who make you realize how little you've accomplished

Everywhere I went I experienced the same success, which transcends words.

Pray that success will not come any faster than you are able to endure it.

I never feel proud of my work and say that this is my biggest achievement.

Raise your limits as high as you dare and then take them a little further.

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