I've always wanted to be an action figure.

I never thought I would get to have my own action figure.

When it comes down to it, I'd rather have an action figure than a Golden Globe.

If the day comes where I can have my own action figure... I defy any actor to say that's not a good day.

I may never get my own action figure, but at least I think what I'm doing is really legitimate musically.

I think people get confused: people think 'strong female characters' mean you need to play an action figure.

I got an action figure. You know, like G.I. Joe. What I seen of it, they got to put a little gray in the hair.

I remember seeing an action figure of The Rock and going, 'You know what? I'm going to become a WWE Superstar.'

I never thought, as a kid, that I'd have an action figure, much less an action figure sold in a two-pack with Jake The Snake.

I actually had a Bobby Orr action figure. You could put the pads on him and skates and all that. I was 7, and he was still playing.

I don't think having a My Chemical Romance action figure will make a kid start his own band, I like to think it will make him save children from a burning building.

I'm ready to be an action figure. I'd love that very much. And all the redheaded kids will get to go out and feel loved and be able to buy a redheaded action figure.

I have an action figure, and so do my parents, so it's odd that we all have these dolls of ourselves. It's a little bit surreal but kind of fun. You can play with the whole family.

If I am just, like, on a run by myself, I've never been stopped. Even if I'm at Target buying my own action figure, people would not believe that it's me. I actually was like, 'This is me!'

I'm such a horror geek, comic geek and action figure geek. I'm inspired by so much - from Hunter S. Thompson and Quentin Tarantino to 'The Dark Knight' and 'Halloween'. Just show me something that doesn't suck, and I'm happy.

Every actor I know pretty much wants to be a rock n' roll star, and we'd all give it up to be in a rock n' roll band, but we're never going to do that. But being in cartoons - that's as close as you get without being an action figure.

I've kind of been in a video game, I've kind of been an action figure. It was actually a Barbie doll, so that's why I say kind of, but if I can get made fun of on 'South Park' or 'Family Guy,' then I'll know that I've done something good with my life.

Don't treat your heart like an action figure wrapped in plastic and never used. And don't try to give me that nerd argument that your heart is a 'Batman' with a limited-edition silver bat-erang and therefore if it stays in its original packing it increases in value.

I don't want to be a historical action figure or treated like I'm dead. Like one of those people where they go, 'Oh, isn't she dead?' And then I walk up, and they're like, 'Whoa.' I can't really complain... because I've made myself into a historical action figure. I was like, 'Yeah, come on in!'

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