I cured with the power that came through me.

With my background, I came out of the theater.

Editorial outfits are now advertising agencies.

What counts is what you do with your money, not where it came from.

I went out to some advertising agencies and asked if I could do anything.

I don't think there's ever been any music quite like what we came up with.

I hope I never get so hard up I have to do advertisements. I've gotten ridiculous offers.

Outside of advertising, the person who's influenced me most is quite possibly Frank Gehry.

Triple tonguing? It was sort of invented. It wasnt in the script. It was something that I came up with.

Advertisements ordinarily work their wonders, to the extent that they work at all, on an inattentive public.

The only prejudice I've found anywhere in TV is in some advertising agencies, and there isn't so much prejudice as just fear.

I've started to believe that the agency business is a great ingredient of a much bigger business - more than just what typical advertising agencies have done.

I don't accept any money, free products, or anything else of value from the companies whose products I cover or from their public relations or advertising agencies.

There are very few men of genius in advertising agencies. But we need all we can find. Almost without exception they are disagreeable. Don't destroy them. They lay golden eggs.

When comics came along in the 1930s there was a talent pool waiting. And one reason is so many areas were closed to Jews. Colleges, advertising agencies, many of the corporations - the doors that were closed led to the one that was open.

Advertising is a business of words, but advertising agencies are infested with men and women who cannot write. They cannot write advertisements, and they cannot write plans. They are helpless as deaf mutes on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

Client companies and advertising agencies are old-world-order places. The systems and processes and structures come from a time when you shot the TV commercial, then you did the print ads, then you did everything else - including the website. Everything has changed, but the systems haven't.

Advertising seemed almost natural to me because it was a business where you had to inform, persuade and educate. And so from being a junior copywriter to being the creative director of one of the largest advertising agencies in the country took me 4.5 years, which is, well, a fairly spectacular rise.

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