The age of the book is almost gone.

Live your life and forget your age.

Old age transfigures or fossilizes.

We all have souls of different ages

We in middle age require adventure.

...there is no old age of the soul.

I've gotten crankier in my old age.

Age is like love, it cannot be hid.

We don't grow older, we grow riper.

All diseases run into one, old age.

Fitness has nothing to do with age.

The age of miracles is forever here.

It is charming to totter into vogue.

I don't have any issues with my age.

You read the past in some old faces.

This is the golden age of grotesque.

The loss of friends is a tax on age!

Poppy does not identify with an age.

I prefer old age to the alternative.

Anxiety is the normality of our age.

A grownup is a child with layers on.

Morning brings back the heroic ages.

Old age makes caricatures of us all.

Age is not important in relationship

Middle age, my boy. No memory at all.

Does age matter? Time doesn't matter.

Age: I go slower as time goes faster.

Age has a good mind and sorry shanks.

The older a fool is, the worse he is.

Age and want sit smiling at the gate.

The ears are the last feature to age.

The surest sign of age is loneliness.

One age is like another for the soul.

Wherever there is power there is age.

I actually feel very proud of my age.

This is the age of oddities let loose.

Whenever possible print a woman's age.

Oh rage! Oh despair! Oh age, my enemy!

Age is a limit we impose on ourselves.

I want to die young at a ripe old age.

Old-fogyism is comfortably closing in.

The old men know when an old man dies.

If youth only knew, if age only could.

The worst old age is that of the mind.

Age doesn't matter. An open mind does.

The wisdom of age: don't stop walking.

Old age by nature is rather talkative.

God, middle age is an unending insult.

But the age of miracles hadn't passed.

A man learns with age, if he is lucky.

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