Old age is an excellent time for outrage.

And lash the vice and follies of the age.

Every age has its happiness and troubles.

Old age is an island surrounded by death.

We are all geniuses up to the age of ten.

Some things get better with age. Like me.

I know not age, nor weariness nor defeat.

Age doesn't matter, unless you're cheese.

Age merely shows what children we remain.

It's a pity youth is wasted on the young.

I think I'm past the age of getting lost.

It's the age of reason for the anarchist.

Thirty is not an age for a woman anymore.

No man is ever old enough to know better.

Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.

I wish I'd gotten sober at a younger age.

As an elder I mistrust the wisdom of age.

The Golden Age was never the present age.

Not every age is fit for childish sports.

Men peak at age nineteen and go downhill.

Almost any age is better than twenty-two.

Not even old age knows how to love death.

Ageism is as odious as racism and sexism.

Age is merely a suit, and not a new dress.

The real affliction of old age is remorse.

Sexually? Your late 40s and 50s? The bomb!

We'll blast them back into the stone ages!

My health is good; it's my age that's bad.

Old age creeps on us ere we think it nigh.

I've got an age that I do think of myself.

Age steals away all things, even the mind.

Parenting is an impossible job at any age.

I get all fired up about aging in America.

When does the loneliness of old age begin?

What is an adult? A child blown up by age.

Jazz is the folk music of the machine age.

I recognize no empire of this present age.

Hollywood is not good when it comes to age

An old young man, will be a young old man.

I am 46, and have been for some time past.

We pay when old for the excesses of youth.

I started acting professionally at age 19.

Retribution is really a stone age concept.

Like many women my age, I am 28 years old.

To a fool time brings only age not wisdom.

if you don't want to get old, don't mellow.

I'm so old they've cancelled my blood type.

No age seemed the age of romance to itself.

We tried not to age, but time had its rage.

All would live long, but none would be old.

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