Live Aid turned our world upside down.

Fortune cannot aid those who do nothing.

Small aids to individuals, large aid to masses.

We keep saying, 'No more 'band aid' solutions.'

What Americans do is we come to each other's aid.

Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid.

I grew up in poverty. For 25 years I was fed on aid.

In aid, the proper attitude is one omitting gratitude.

Not any amount of aid is going to move Africa forward.

Words, like glass, obscure when they do not aid vision.

India is more of an aid recipient than a provider of aid.

It's always a tricky thing, trying to make aid sustainable.

Central aid never comes in one disbursal; it comes in phases.

Legal aid is central to righting wrongs and rectifying injustice.

Well, no one gives aid to Zimbabwe through the Mugabe government.

The foundation of a nation is self-aid, mutual aid and public aid.

Things in our country run in spite of government, not by aid of it.

Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives, and it works.

The solutions to Africa's problems lie in Africa, not in Live Aid concerts.

Our country has been the leading provider of humanitarian aid for refugees.

America needs to rethink how we distribute our foreign aid around the world.

The United States spends more money on African aid than any nation on earth.

Foreign aid projects have pumped billions of dollars into the Afghan economy.

To aid life, leaving it free, however, that is the basic task of the educator.

Live Aid was a baby Woodstock, a child of Woodstock, which I call Globalstock.

Religion flourishes in greater purity, without than with the aid of Government.

Well-spent aid money is saving lives for a few thousand dollars per life saved.

Corruption is one of the most common reasons I hear in views that criticize aid.

Metaphors are fine if they aid understanding, but sometimes they get in the way.

European countries give much larger shares of aid for poverty relief than the U.S.

Of all the life skills I could have learned - First aid? Nah. But I can pour a pint.

When you're providing emergency aid, you're fighting hunger; you're filling stomachs.

Two persons love in one another the future good which they aid one another to unfold.

International aid as a means of development is a major failure, and not just in Haiti.

Italy even in the future will not need aid from the European Financial Stability Fund.

For the first week of the Sian events I was a first aid worker in the streets of Sian.

U.S. foreign aid must be used more strategically to achieve our national security goals.

The black artist's role in America is to aid in the destruction of America as he knows it.

As a national security aid, I worked with our military to strengthen our national defense.

I do not think that abortion services should be part of our foreign aid funding in any way.

There was no pressure or blackmail from the U.S. I had no idea the military aid was held up.

Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way across the room.

There are two things in the painter, the eye and the mind; each of them should aid the other.

The most valuable aid I have found in teaching is to remember my own experiences as a student.

But if the Chinese mainland, the PRC, attacked Taiwan, we'd be obligated to come to their aid.

In Africa today, we recognise that trade and investment, and not aid, are pillars of development.

A sinner can no more repent and believe without the Holy Spirit's aid than he can create a world.

I'm the ranking Republican on the foreign aid appropriations subcommittee, so I know Tunisia well.

No, I didn't hear about 'Live Aid.' I was in prison, and we were not allowed newspapers in prison.

In the last 5 years I've been working with the LAPD, training police officers in first aid and CPR.

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