I always feel scared and insecure on a film set. I don't know any other way.

I'm always so excited about what I do that I try to get everyone to feel that way.

I feel really sorry for the way I left Madrid, but the fans don't always understand what happens in these cases.

It doesn't always happen according to the way you have planned things out but I feel if you have covered most of the aspects, it does help out there in the middle.

I never use a piano stool. I always use a drum stool. Because I feel that when you're down there, you're playing in that way you're supposed to. I like to be above it.

I feel attention sometimes in games, from fans and other players. But I just try to play the way I always have, remain focused, and don't let distractions get in my way.

I feel Alex White is exactly the type of guy I always talk about, with an undeserved, padded record. There's many, many of them in the UFC, because this is the easy way in.

I'm not sure I always feel like I'm in the seat. Sometimes I'm only holding on by one hand and flying out behind the roller coaster. I don't know anybody who doesn't feel that way.

I'm not sure how I became that way. But I've always been that way. Every team has to have at least one emotional player on the squad, or it wouldn't feel like a real squad. That lifts the squad up whenever it's down. That's what I try to do.

I'm influenced by many things. Simply turning on the television, I feel inundated with images and messages to be a certain way. So I try to limit my influences by being aware of what I allow into my environment. I'm always conscious of what's trying to creep into my subconscious.

My dream role is to portray someone like James Baldwin. I've always been a fan of his writing, and I feel like he's one of our unsung heroes. He's been pretty much forgotten, and I think he needs to be recognized. He had to go all the way to Europe to find recognition and acceptance, and I'd just like to bring him to the forefront.

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