I've always watched the NBA growing up.

It's always a struggle growing up in Akron.

I always wanted to be an athlete growing up.

I was always extremely independent growing up.

Growing up, I've always kinda been into academics.

Growing up, we were always the feisty Latin girls.

Growing up, I was always playing with video games.

I always wanted to have younger sisters growing up.

I've always dreamed of growing up to be Amy Poehler.

I always had games on Saturdays as I was growing up.

Even when I was growing up in Canada, I've always been a homebody.

Growing up, I always considered the Grand Ole Opry to be hallowed ground.

I always wanted to be Robin Hood or John the Baptist when I was growing up.

As a kid growing up in a rural area, I was always tinkering with parts and machinery.

My favorites growing up were always Billy Joel, Michael Jackson... and Placido Domingo.

When I was growing up, I always read horror books, while my sister read romance novels.

Growing up, I was always that kid that kinda watched All-Star Weekend on TV, every event.

I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was growing up and always wanted to be surrounded by wildlife.

Growing up, I was always blown away by 'Star Trek' and 'Barbarella' and 'Logan's Run.' The retro sci-fi thing.

Growing up, I always liked so many different sounds from so many different genres - the different aspects they could bring.

I've always sung. I was really into musical theater when I was growing up. As a kid, I listened to Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone, actually, on cassette tapes.

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