Always stay positive and keep positive people around you.

I always felt it was necessary to keep up some kind of communication with other people.

With regard to donations always expect the most from prudent people, who keep their own accounts.

Poor people are those who only work to try to keep an expensive lifestyle and always want more and more.

I want to make people think about certain things or have them ask the question of 'why.' I just want to always keep the people wondering.

I've always been proud of being a Marathi mulgi, but just because I don't keep harping about it doesn't mean I do not bother about my Marathi people.

I learnt in South America and in Africa that people who have really big problems in the ghetto always keep a sense of humour and remain positive. If not, you go down.

I've made sure to always update my web properties constantly - Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, my Hypebeast blog... making sure I divided content across all of them to keep each outlet fresh to keep people coming back.

We are indeed a nation of immigrants. People who choose to come to America have always been one of our greatest sources of national vitality. They keep our economy strong and our communities dynamic. They are some of our greatest patriots.

People ask, like, 'How are you going to incorporate what you do onstage into everything else?' I'm not too worried about that. Whether it's theater or a TV show idea, or an animated thing or, I don't know, an animated screensaver. I really just want to keep creating things. And I've always been able to do that.

I guess rap has such a bad name, because everybody can do it now, and that's probably why people don't want to be considered as rappers anymore, they're not taken seriously anymore. But yeah, rap is definitely the core of what I want to do. But I'm also an artist so I try to do as many things as I can, but I always keep rap in the equation.

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