I am not fond of red meat.

I guard my privacy zealously.

I thrive on cheese and champagne.

Public adulation is the ultimate high.

Actions should speak louder than words.

I never go public with my personal life.

I've always been selective about my roles.

In our own country, you can't divide people.

What I have done in 'Company' can't be defined.

Glamour is a very small aspect of being an actress.

I never considered politics as an option, not ever.

I guess I have been daring and lucky with my roles.

I have tried to generate hope and trust as a person.

There's a lot of scope for performing in masala movies.

'Rangeela' was a very wonderful film, a great experience.

I like seafood like prawns and fish - I can live on prawns!

I respect the media, and in return, they respect my privacy.

Nobody can link the success of a movie with a particular artiste.

I like my work to speak. Actually, I would like my work to scream!

My father was a banker, and my mother worked for the state government.

Once you are accepted as a star, as a good artiste, nothing else matters.

My life has been inspired by Mahatma Gandhi from the days of my childhood.

Believe me, what I have done in 'Company' has never been attempted before.

In Hindi films, there is a definite slot for every character and situation.

I am not scared of ghosts. I don't believe in ghosts or in the supernatural.

I'm proud when my dance numbers are spoken about for my expressions and steps.

Few people know much about me. I've been so quiet that I'm known as a recluse.

Just because of 'Rangeela' and 'Daud,' it can't be said that I am a sex symbol.

Stars have no say in the release of a film. There are too many factors involved.

I want to do challenging roles which will create an interest among the audience.

If an artiste has the conviction to carry something off, he or she can do anything.

I would like to do films where I will be remembered after people leave the theatres.

I have stuck my neck out to stand with a party whose ideologies are closest to mine.

I'm quite cool about my sex symbol image. It's nothing to be proud of or ashamed of.

For me, politics is giving your word, standing by it, and abiding by it no matter what.

I was on stage from an early age. It always felt to me like something I was born to do.

Before 'Rangeela' happened to me, all that was offered to me were song-and-dance roles.

I could have earned lots of crores by doing hundreds of more 'Rangeela' that came my way.

I like Meryl Streep and Jodie Foster. Among Indian actress, I prefer Madhubala and Nutan.

Being a host is about being able to communicate and build up a rapport with the audience.

My private life is always under scrutiny. Each and every action is analysed and re-analysed.

We don't celebrate birthdays in our family; the money was always given towards social causes.

An artiste's input, her ability to create dimensions within the given space is very important.

To me, sex appeal means that when an actress is on the screen, she just engulfs the whole screen.

I haven't necessarily joined politics to become a leader but because it was the need of the time.

It's challenging to judge a TV show because you don't have any lines. You just have to be yourself.

I'm often asked how I shoulder the responsibility of films, but I've always believed in taking risks.

'Rangeela' and 'Daud' are both exciting films. The songs, the music, the dances - they all blend so well.

Pakistani men are great-looking. Now I know where all the good looking men in the sub-continent are hiding!

I always thought that marriage needs to happen at the right time, for the right reasons, and with the right person.

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