You're never perfect in this sport; there is always something to learn.

I always wanted to act, but never thought of it as something serious to do.

I never wanted to take autographs, always wanted to give them. To do this, you have to achieve something.

I never really think of something in terms of what not to do. It's always what's appealing or what's cool.

Theater has always been something that I've had an interest in, but I was never a devoted fanatic theater-goer.

I always believed that I never wanted to be an actor. I only did it because I was allowed to do it and I had to do something.

I never really thought about modelling. It wasn't something I ever wanted to do. I used to always be so angry about modelling.

Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation.

I want to make something that is breathtaking. Of course, you can't make something that is always breathtaking, or you would never be able to breathe. You would collapse.

I've been through so many different phases, partly because I moved around so much. I never found my identity based on where I was from. It was always pick up and explore something else.

We in the ministry of IT and Communications often get flak for deciding what to ban. We actually never decide something should be banned. We always follow orders from different ministries.

I was incredibly fatalistic. I just thought, 'If it works, it works.' But I've always been like that. I've never been easily impressed, and I've never thought I didn't deserve something. If I got it, then I deserved it.

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