Embrace your weirdness!

I hyperventilate quite a lot.

Stay cool, hang loose, admit nothing.

I hate high heels, more than anything.

I like to keep my private life private.

I love red or deep purple lips for events.

My sexuality is not a phase. I am who I am.

Stop trying to define who you are and just be.

Don’t worry, be happy! Embrace your weirdness.

In the '90s, I wouldn't have been a supermodel.

I love a vintage look that's also a bit rock n' roll.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, and I'm sensitive.

I always wake up 10 minutes before I have to be anywhere.

My dream is to go spend a week on some island with no phone.

As a kid, I got teased about my unibrow. Now I love my brows.

I want to behave more like a boy... I want to be the strong one.

I wanted to be a Disney Channel star! I wanted to be Hannah Montana.

I had no interest in fashion when I was younger. I was such a tomboy.

As a model, I really stand for not being a model, if that makes sense.

I've always wanted to do a shoot with snakes - big snakes, like pythons.

I love to beatbox and have been doing it before I even knew what it was.

In school, I was Martha in 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' I loved that.

Women are what completely inspire me, and they have also been my downfall.

This modeling thing, it's pretty easy, but actually it's also really tough.

When I first started modeling, they used to bleach my eyebrows all the time.

I'm just not into happy-clappy pop. Unless it's happy-clappy pop in a good way.

I'm no Method actor. I've tried staying in character, and it's just exhausting.

I love Christopher Bailey and Burberry, Mulberry for bags, and Hudson for jeans.

I think it's nice to break down that barrier, that models are seen and not heard.

I'm a world class Beat Boxer; you should hear the noises I can make with my mouth.

As a child, I used 'gay' as a bad word, as in, 'That's so gay.' All my friends did.

I need to eat a lot; otherwise, I feel faint. I get in the worst moods if I don't eat.

I spend most of my time wearing uncomfortable things, so for me, it's all about trainers.

Victoria's Secret is really about celebrating women and what they stand for: the strength.

Singing, writing songs, is kind of my biggest fear, but it's the thing I feel I need to conquer.

I like to be goofy. I like to make people laugh. I like to have a good time as much as possible.

The best therapy is actually the more aggressive kind when they break you open; they unleash you.

I want to make music, I want to act, I want to sing, I want to do something that doesn't make my skin erupt.

It's strong to be vulnerable. To be able to communicate with other women is one of the most powerful things.

I treat the camera like a person—I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them.

I love curves; I'm all about curves. I don't have many, which is really sad, but I think the more the better.

I wish my school days could have dragged on a little longer, or that I could go back and do it later in life.

I've started doing yoga and meditation, but I'm not very good at that kind of thing and turning my brain off.

I got a tattoo saying 'Made in England' above my foot to represent that, that I felt like a doll for so long.

I treat the camera like a person - I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them.

My way of relaxing was always doing the opposite and playing the drums, but I need to be able to actually chill.

We are all a quarter good, a quarter bad, a quarter animal and a quarter child which equals a whole bunch of crazy.

Once I find a bag that I love, I wear it always. I just don't change my bags. I literally find one and stay with it.

Fashion Week is horrible. I mean, it isn't horrible, really - it's amazing. But having to work that much every day is.

I just don't think that I trust men. That's the problem. I can appreciate a beautiful-looking man, but he's not my type.

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