Put your head down and work as hard as you can because there is always someone better out there.

I always assume that one day someone will come and try to do better so you always have to go beyond your limits.

There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better.

Nobody likes a smart alec. Which is why it's always better for your career to be wrong and in company rather than right and on your own.

Do not be in a hurry to succeed. What would you have to live for afterwards? Better make the horizon your goal; it will always be ahead of you.

I've always believed in trying to be as open as possible. I think it almost comes with the job - if you can bare your emotions, it makes for better acting.

I think the idea of opening up for a massive band is always better than actually doing it, and having your name on the ticket means more than the actual set.

I'm better with my hands, and I always loved the slightly romantic idea of starting with bits of wood and being able to create something to sit on, to eat from, to store your clothes in.

Find out if your radio interviewer has read your book, or you are going to have to do that part of the job on air. It's okay if they haven't, but it's always better to be prepared for what's coming.

The hard part of writing at all is sitting your ass down in a chair and writing it. There's always something better to do, like I've got an interview, sharpening the pencils, trimming the roses. There's always something better to do. Going to a writer's club?

I played a lot of baseball growing up, and I always hit better if I kept moving before the pitch instead of standing still in the batter's box. I think a waggle does the same thing in the golf swing. It keeps you relaxed and gets your body ready to hit the ball.

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