Donadld Trump loves loyalty.

There is always strength in numbers

You really have one bite at the apple.

The Democrats are now an upscale party.

Donald Trump is not an unintelligent man.

George Bush is trying to play it both ways.

Politics, they all - talked to the insiders.

Russia today is nothing but a propaganda arm.

[Dwight Eisenhower was ] a citizen of the world.

America is Republican until 5:00 or 6:00 at night.

John Kerry's biography was central to his campaign.

I didn't realize the president was such an historian.

Washington is a city of money. It's a flood of money.

Donald Trump picked a remarkably nice guy in Mike Pence.

John McCain was victimized in the South Carolina primary.

He who speaks the truth must keep one foot in the stirrup.

Mitt Romney looks like a president. I mean, he really does.

The problem with smear campaigns is that too often they work.

I think the Republican Party is cursed. And it's cursed itself.

Tim Kaine kind of gives the warmer, human face of the Democrats.

Let's not pretend that all of a sudden, this is some new system.

There's never been a sense of public service about Donald Trump.

You want a leader, Western leader, English-speaking? Mitt Romney.

John McCain has become the de facto running mate of George W. Bush.

Donald Trump is to traditional values what I am to marathon running.

The tough thing about a campaign being over is, you lose your enemy.

Character is destiny and character is important to American campaigns.

Iraq is in a civil war. There is no road in that country that is safe.

Politics is a contact sport - a question of accepting an elbow or two.

We have weakened the parties and strengthened all the special interests.

If an abduction is reported, it is dealt with in the same way as a kidnap.

There is a cleavage and a divide in America like I have never seen before.

I'm a little nervous about public funding. It's better than what we got now.

The Democrats have this high level of expectation of what government can do.

I personally believe that [Donald Trump] is wrong on the condition of America.

You can't have someone with a pinkie out there at the U.N. or any other place.

Human trafficking is a human tragedy. It's an outrage against any decent people.

Mitt Romney was the man who stood up to Donald Trump early, hard, never wavered.

Immigrants have been the sustenance and the survival and the treasure of America.

Donald Trump is sounding the same theme he has sounded since May or June of 2015.

Everyone has to take Donald Trump seriously, and I think that's what we're seeing.

Something really serious has shifted in the minds of Republicans and certainly others.

Everybody who served in John Kerry's boat under his command save one has stood with him.

Donald Trump has taken over the Republican Party. He's transformed the Republican Party.

Now the Republicans have a very low-scale, by economic standards, base. Donald Trump has.

Everybody who served in John Kerry's boat under his command, save one, has stood with him.

There's nothing wrong with being organized.Things that change history tend to be organized.

Mitt Romney looks like a secretary of state. He looks like the chancellor of the exchequer.

All politics is personal with President Trump. And that carries with it great, great problems.

Donald Trump defies gravity. And so I guess he has to be Donald Trump. It's gotten him so far.

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