Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you.

Always having that chip on your shoulder is an important thing for a quarterback.

I always tell employees: 'The group's benefit is more important than your personal benefit.'

I think it's always important to be vigilant of what you're doing and aware of your surroundings.

You always want to win games and to develop the team, so it's very important that you have encouragement from your fans.

It's always an honour to receive recognition, but I always consider them more important when they come from your colleagues.

My parents have always been very concerned of making sure we know who we are and where we come from. I have to give them credit for that. Knowing your roots is quite important.

In academics, it's getting your voice out that's important. It's getting somebody to listen to you. I had no problem with that. People were always curious about what I had to say.

Working your core always, your foot speed, jumping rope, push-ups and sit-ups - things like that are really important. Those things will pay off more than just doing what a bench press will.

It certainly helps that I'm quite a relaxed guy and I take things in my stride, and if you hear the odd murmur of criticism, you just stay focused on your job and doing what you're working hard to do. I've always been confident in my own ability, and that's just as important.

To be an actor, it's really tough to find your own voice because you're always tied to other characters and going to auditions and trying to get a job, hoping they'll pick you. And I think it's just so important for an actor to have something else that's creative, something that's creative and you're in charge of.

Every year, I speak to our new associates and give them this advice, although in my own words. 'This isn't like school,' I tell them, 'where you want to get your hand in the air and give an answer quickly. The only grade here is 100. Deadlines are important, but at Blackstone you can always get help in meeting them.'

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