I'm not an architectural composer.

I am but an architectural composer.

Light is architectural. It is sculptural.

Supply and demand regulate architectural form.

Always beware an unsigned architectural design.

It fills one with a sense of architectural possibility.

My wife and I are art collectors and architectural crazies.

All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable.

It's legendary how architectural lectures can be incredibly boring.

Perfection would be something that you see in 'Architectural Digest.'

I look upon myself as a musical bricklayer with architectural aspirations.

The challenge of a cathedral is very good for architectural inventiveness.

I love the streets of Kolkata, and I admire the old architectural buildings.

My father, an architectural photographer, was an incurable tinkerer, maker and mender.

People say I design architectural icons. If I design a building and it becomes an icon, that's ok.

Profit and bottom line, the contemporary mantra, eliminates the very source of architectural expression.

The fabric of a garden is determined as much by its textures as by its tonal range and architectural flair.

A structure becomes architectural, and not sculptural, when its elements no longer have their justification in nature.

In Italy, there are so many significant architectural structures in history such as the Pantheon in Rome, or the Duomo.

I am equally proud of all of my architectural projects. It's always rewarding to see an ambitious design become reality.

When I engaged the team at Mitchell Wall, it was clear from the beginning that this was a very special architectural firm.

It was always my intention that The Frieze should be housed in a room which would provide a suitable architectural frame for it.

The essential and living elements in our architectural activities stem from what was implanted in us during Old Saturn evolution.

The center of Western culture is Greece, and we have never lost our ties with the architectural concepts of that ancient civilization.

I like architectural shapes. You can't put any shape on any body, except on the runway. In reality, it has to look and feel flattering.

Once we establish an architectural style in each park, we stick with it religiously and comprehensively so that it comes out as a gestalt.

I think space, architectural space, is my thing. It's not about facade, elevation, making image, making money. My passion is creating space.

The centuries-old history and culture of India, majestic architectural monuments and museums of Delhi, Agra and Mumbai have a unique attractive force.

The ultimate pleasure of architecture lies in the most forbidden parts of the architectural act, where limits are perverted and prohibitions are transgressed.

Borne out of this, starting around the 17th Century was the Baroque era. It is my view that it is one of the architectural peak periods in western civilisation.

I think when you look at architectural photography it doesn't help to have piles of old clothes lying on the floor. Architectural photography sets up an artifice.

I've built a tree house; because of my architectural training, it's heavily over-designed, with an oriel window sticking out of it and flying foxes coming off it.

I go to the studio every day, but I don't paint every day. I love playing with my architectural models. I love making plans. I could spend my life arranging things.

I wear the same black suit. I have five of them. I pair them with a red scarf. I was wearing a red scarf when I won the first architectural competition of my career.

New York being what it is, our museums are vertical, not horizontal. That means the stumbling blocks to architectural clarity are unavoidable - but certainly surmountable.

They couldn't wait to get me out. My dad found my place, my mom helped me pack, and my brother was making architectural plans for my bedroom. It was just what you do at 18.

There is no sadder tale in the annals of architecture than the virtual disappearance of the defining architectural form of the Modern Movement - publicly sponsored housing.

I could walk into anyone's home one time and draw a three-dimensional architectural plan of the inside of their home from memory, but I could not add up a column of numbers.

The Taj Mahal can be a tourist attraction, an architectural marvel, but it can never be treated as a monument of faith. After all, there is a difference between tourism and faith.

The structural or biogenetic relations of plant products as deduced from the recognizable architectural components of the molecules have been consistent guides in my investigations.

The Crystal Cathedral is not an attempt to be an architectural ego-statement. It's probably the ultimate spiritual and psychological statement that could be made in architectural terms.

Any architectural project we do takes at least four or five years, so increasingly there is a discrepancy between the acceleration of culture and the continuing slowness of architecture.

Maybe, just maybe, we shall at last come to care for the most important, most challenging, surely the most satisfying of all architectural creations: building cities for people to live in.

I wanted to work in the arts. My dream come true would be to be an architectural historian and work with the royal palaces and all the fabulous art collections. But I'm not committed enough.

Even though I build buildings and I pursue my architecture, I pursue it as an artist. I deliberately keep a tiny studio. I don't want to be an architectural firm. I want to remain an artist.

I think of novels in architectural terms. You have to enter at the gate, and this gate must be constructed in such a way that the reader has immediate confidence in the strength of the building.

Writing generally, it may be said that in design, roof, and general aspect, Japanese Buddhist temples are all alike. The sacred architectural idea expresses itself in nearly the same form always.

If you get hold of a head of hair on somebody you've never seen before, cut beautiful shapes, cut beautiful architectural angles and she walks out looking so different - I think that's masterful.

The essence of architecture is form and space, and light is the essential element to the key to architectural design, probably more important than anything. Technology and materials are secondary.

I was always trying to do architectural jam sessions. But it's not quite as easy as singing or playing a guitar, so I would always see wonderful live musicians and just envy them that I wasn't in that medium.

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