A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.

Like a good parent can't also be his child's best friend, a leader with authority requires some separation from subordinates.

I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.

Basically, Twitter can be your best friend or your worst enemy, and I try to make it my best friend and take it for what it is.

That's the cool thing about having a best friend. They know what your pain feels like already, so you don't have to explain it.

Coconut oil is my best friend - I put it all over my body every night. And in the morning, I wash it off so I'm not all greasy.

My childhood best friend moved to Kenya when we were still young, and since I missed her so much, I always hoped to visit Kenya.

Yes, we must ever be friends; and of all who offer you friendship Let me be ever the first, the truest, the nearest and dearest.

Growing up, my best friend was the movie theaters. I'd go to the movies every week, multiple times a week, with my dad or alone.

In high school and college, I did not have any Christian friends except my best friend Sarah, who I actually 'brought to Jesus.'

I don't think I was fully satisfied acting. You know, the girlfriend role or the best friend role, and that wasn't enough for me.

I feel most comfortable in an old pair of jeans, Converse, and a man's jersey. My best friend cuts my hair with kitchen scissors.

We believe that the Internet is the live concert promoters best friend although it might have crippled the record label business.

What to Expect When You're Expecting' was gifted to me by my best friend Antara, a new mom herself. The book helped me enormously.

My father is my best friend. Just growing up with him inspired me to appreciate music that much more because he appreciates music.

'Tempting the Best Man' centers around Madison Daniels, who's had a major crush on her brother's best friend since she was a girl.

So we grew together like to a double cherry, seeming parted, but yet an union in partition, two lovely berries molded on one stem.

Yeah, the industry has always been both the enemy and the best friend of the artist. They need each other. That's the bottom line.

My dad's best friend was a food writer and critic, so I was very lucky to eat in beautiful Michelin-starred restaurants growing up.

I was too dumb to know Opie was going to grow up to be a great Director, if so, boy, I would certainly have become his best friend.

When I first started in this industry, my goal was to be some best friend. The sidekick. I thought that would be an accomplishment.

My roommate and best friend from college had the picture of 'Frances Ha' as her Facebook cover photo. That movie meant a lot to us.

Can anyone remember love? It's like trying to summon up the smell of roses in a cellar. You might see a rose, but never the perfume.

You are always new. The last of your kisses was even the sweetest; the last smile the brightest; the last movement the gracefullest.

Work Hard. Do your best. Keep your word. Never get too big for your britches. Trust in God. Have no fear; and Never forget a friend.

My father was strict. He knew how to have a good relationship with Dory Jr. and I. He was our best friend, but we had a lot of fear.

Your lost friends are not dead, but gone before, advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod.

My film 'Ek Kahaani Julie Ki' is based on Indrani Mukerjea's life. It is inspired from it. I am so lucky because she's my best friend.

On Sunday, we will Skype relatives - my brother lives in America, my best friend is in Canada, and Ryan's family are all in Australia.

As a black actress, all I was offered in British film was the best friend role, whereas in TV I was offered a whole spectrum of parts.

All my mates are massive Leeds fans because I live in Wakefield, but my best friend in the entire world is the Middlesbrough chairman.

It was there that, through a mutual friend, I met John Waters - proving what I've always said: you meet the best people on field trips.

I met my best friend in a sandbox when I was three, and he would grow up to be gay and loved to dress in my clothing any chance he got.

I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I'm an actress. I'm an executive producer. I'm an author. I'm an entrepreneur, and I'm a sister and a best friend.

I had my own Land of Lost Sidekicks, where I pretended I lived in Paris with my best friend, a little cowboy based on a Marky Maypo doll.

Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories.

It's weird because I do act like best friends, but still, I don't sit there and say my mum's my best friend. That doesn't really cover it.

I can only think of one wacky best friend who I thought was awesome: Rhys Ifans in 'Notting Hill.' He really nailed the wacky best friend.

By the time I sit down and face the blank page I am raring to go. I tell it as if I'm talking to my best friend or one of my grandchildren.

My two favorite musicals growing up in were 'Annie' and 'Sweeney Todd,' and my best friend and I would sing all the songs when I was a kid.

I love getting my nails done. My mom's best friend is a manicurist. When I was little, she'd do little paintings on my nails, like flowers.

I'm an absolute clean freak. I'll go to my friends' houses and even start cleaning. I'm such a granny at heart. My couch is my best friend.

Parabatai" said Jace. "It means a pair of warriors who fight together - who are closer than brothers. Alec is more than justmy best friend.

Gigi is my perfect partner. She's my best friend. She's the most fun of anyone I know, and she's also the kindest and most tolerant person.

Every awards show, I take the same date: my best friend, Blaire. I took my boyfriend once to the VMAs, and I never made that mistake again.

If you make your best friend and your significant other the same person, you don't have to disconnect to go tell your girlfriend everything.

My friends are more than an 'accept' button on Facebook, and over the , I've learned the only way to have a best friend is to actually be one.

My best friend was a magpie goose, and my magpie goose would follow me around, and we'd dance in the zoo together. Then I'd be covered in mud!

Your love is all that I was waiting for and now that I feel it ...oh man...what I thought was not even quarter of what I thought it really was.

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.

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