The best way of me not doing things is to demand it from me.

I think 'The Spy Who Loved Me' was the best, or rather the one I enjoyed doing the most.

No one wants to hear me doing my best Garrison Keillor... I think that he's inimitable; he's one in a billion.

Someone asked me 'What's the funniest thing or what's the best thing that you've ever done?' It's always what I'm doing now.

The goal for me is the Olympics. It's Sochi and doing my best there. And, you know, my best has the potential to be on the podium.

My job is to do the best possible job for my country, and I wouldn't want someone else telling me what I should be doing in Canada.

You've heard me question whether the partisanship in Washington has made us, as a nation, ungovernable - and, indeed, Democrats are doing their very best to make sure of it.

My job is to provide the atmosphere and assistance to the contestants to get them to perform at their very best. And if I'm successful doing that, I will be perceived as a nice guy, and the audience will think of me as being a bit of a star.

One of my best friends, Stephen Sprouse, Bill Dugan, and I worked designing clothes, doing every conceivable thing. New York was a really intoxicating period for me, literally and figuratively. There was a lot of overlap with Andy Warhol, Studio 54, and Halston.

I think that when I'm telling a story, I'm doing the best I can to tell the story as fully as I can, and if there are various fractures that happen in the story, then that's just the very thing that the story is as opposed to my looking for avenues of difference in one story. They just really do exist. For me, anyway.

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