I'm a pretty big news junkie.

It's funny being the big news every day - and the good news every day.

It's gotten to the point where it's big news when I don't do a horror film.

Three events. Three gold medals. I was news, big news, in the sports world.

To say that a humorist exaggerates to get big laughs, I don't see how that's big news.

Tsunamis are always big news around Hilo, grew up always getting ready to escape a tsunami.

To play and to win against England is big news around the world, and footballers are always grateful for that.

The first time I showed the tattoo, it was big news in the newspaper: 'She has a tattoo with a snake.' It's not a snake.

In 1953, the idea of a single female police recruit to the New York City Police Department, let alone a handful, was big news.

God's glory is the big news of the Bible, and my desire is that it would be all about me, but really it's all about God's glory.

Football's the big cheese, if you like. It's easy to have a swipe. There's a lot of footballers, and when they fall foul, they become big news.

There's even a feature on my website where you can translate messages into codes, so whenever I have any big news it goes out in code first so the diehard fans are the first to know.

The big news already broke. The file-sharing and all that stuff, it's a done deal. And I think figuring out how to make that a fair exchange for the people that make music is still an issue.

Here, the broader issues are already familiar, and discussion has focused at a more sophisticated and detailed level. Within the philosophy of mind, the problem of consciousness is no big news.

Ah, the pleasure, the joy - a big news story that runs and runs, that is played down by some of our journalistic colleagues, saying 'it'll never happen', only to be confirmed by the Home Secretary.

I don't like how women's bodies are Page 3 news. I just don't think that's big news. Women's bodies are women's bodies, and that's that. And I love to see beautiful - the female form in great art and great photography.

When I was a kid it was big news when someone flew around the world in a little aeroplane, but nobody cared when I did it. Then, to rub salt into my wounds, the customs people ripped my aeroplane to pieces, looking for stuff.

The most important single thing about string theory is that it's a highly mathematical theory, and the mathematics holds together in a very tight and consistent way. It contains in its basic structure both quantum mechanics and the theory of gravity. That's big news.

I think the big news organizations, the UPI, AP, Reuters, and the 'Sunday Times' - do take their training seriously. And I think they do only send experienced correspondents with proper insurance and proper training. And they don't force them to go where they don't want to go.

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