I'm a big proponent of accountability.

I'm a big proponent of taking care of yourself.

I'm not a big proponent of the league tournament.

I am a big proponent of the pal-centric lifestyle.

I'm a big proponent of all love winning and love just being fab.

The President has been a big proponent of the public option since the campaign.

I am a big proponent of character arcs that show us how people change over time.

I am a big proponent of being in touch with everyone even when I do not have a story to ask about.

I'm a big proponent of having a mental health component go along with whatever the physical realities are.

You eat a lot of goat stomach when you're in North Africa. You eat whatever's put in front of you. I am a big proponent of that.

I'm a big proponent of monogamous relationships regardless of sexuality, and I'm proud of how the nation is steering toward that.

I am a very big proponent of opening the borders with India. Most of our trade is done through unofficial channels. Why not open the trade?

The bureaucracy is not great. I don't think Rick Santorum who is not one for being a big proponent of large bureaucracies would be as enthusiastic a supporter of it.

I'm a big proponent of young women dressing appropriately in the workplace to get ahead. We need to demand respect as women, and part of that involves how we present ourselves.

I'm a big proponent of mandatory computer science education. I think the first step is educating policymakers that technology is changing the way that we live and work, and it's happening so fast.

My diet has definitely become greener; however, I am a big proponent of everything in moderation. I enjoy having a farm-to-table dinner, as well as indulging in a special, decadent treat on occasion.

I am a big proponent of writing a great outline. That way you can avoid hitting a roadblock. There is no worse feeling than writing yourself into a corner but if you've figured it all out in the outline then you won't have that problem.

I am a big proponent of adopting dogs through shelters and rescue operations. Having dogs in the office might not be right for everyone, but it has certainly worked well for me. My advice to other offices, on the Hill and off, would be to try it out.

I think Mr. Cosby has always been very much an activist and a big proponent of African-American pride. That's how 'The Cosby Show' came about. I think in his older years, he has gotten a lot more direct and vocal about it. But I think he only wants the best for all of us.

I'm a very big proponent of cloud. We've used it a lot in private sector, and as far as we can tell, it is not only more efficient, it's probably also more secure for lots of very complicated technical reasons. I think it's a very important thing for government to do, and also to have systems that talk to each other.

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