You can change friends but not neighbours.

We hope the world will act in the spirit of enlightened self-interest.

For me there is a vital connection between the Bihar calamity and the untouchability campaign.

There was an implicit conviction that the UN would be stronger than the sum of its constituent member-states.

Whilst the Bihar calamity damages the body, the calamity brought about by untouchability corrodes the very soul.

In the euphoria after the Cold War, there was a misplaced notion that the UN could solve every problem anywhere.

The reality is that international institutions like the UN can only be as effective as its members allow it to be.

Global interdependence today means that economic disasters in developing countries could create a backlash on developed countries.

No state should be allowed to profess partnership with the global coalition against terror, while continuing to aid, abet and sponsor terrorism.

There is Bengal, and Bihar, Barakor river is in the middle of them; so strange, so profound! No other river (not even Ganga) has cast so vast a spell on me.

India will be successful when UP, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and other parts of North East India are strengthened. India cannot develop till the eastern part of the country develops.

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