Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too ...

Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings.

Noel Coward said work is more fun than fun, but then he didn't work ...

Noel Coward said work is more fun than fun, but then he didn't work in the Bird's Eye factory packing frozen fish fingers nine hours a day, did he?

Feathers predate birds.

A bird is joy incarnate.

The bird loves her nest.

Birds never sing in caves.

Fantastic shadows of birds

I'm sort of a strange bird.

I don't look like no kiwi bird

If you're a bird... I'm a bird.

Farre shooting never kild bird.

Are you listening, little bird?

The early bird catches the worm.

My heart is like a singing bird.

Even big-bird gets sad sometimes

London is a roost for every bird.

The early worm deserves the bird.

A forest bird never wants a cage.

I am a cage, in search of a bird.

She flew like a bird, only faster.

Don't the wounded bird still sing?

The birds can fly, An' why can't I?

Fish got to swim, birds got to fly.

Every bird will follow it's specie.

I rarely find motive in bird vomit.

I can levitate birds. No one cares.

A bird in a cage is not half a bird.

A foolish dog barks at a flying bird

Birds are an ecological litmus paper.

A Fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.

Earth has few secrets from the birds.

Forbeare not sowing because of birds.

Free as a bird to settle where I will.

I feel like tiny bird with a big song!

Birds fly and fish swim and I do this.

Spring: trees flying up to their birds

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away...

Wax myrtle: The birds love this stuff.

This being-nice crap was for thebirds.

Birds, birds, birds, I'm a Pet Shop Boy

With empty hand no man can lure a hawk.

The eagle suffers little birds to sing. nervous as a bird in a coal mine.

I know what the caged bird feels, alas!

Eat like a bird, poop like an elephant.

The freedom of birds is an insult to me.

Each bird must sing with his own throat.

One can't teach a cat not to catch birds

Bird cage is nice only when it is empty!

Wherever there are birds, there is hope.

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