Bitcoin is here to stay.

We eat, sleep, breathe bitcoin.

So bitcoin is cyber snob currency.

Bitcoin may be the TCP/IP of money.

Bitcoin, I think we can say, is dead.

Bitcoin is a technological tour de force

I trust bitcoin more than I trust my bank.

I describe Bitcoin as 'the Skype of money.'

Of our 49 billion, we haven't moved any to Bitcoin

I care a great deal about what happens to Bitcoin.

To shut down Bitcoin is to shut down the Internet.

Bitcoin's success will guarantee Bitcoin's success.

Price is the least interesting thing about bitcoin.

In the longterm for Bitcoin, Gox needed to go away.

With Bitcoin, no one has a monopoly of information.

I think Bitcoin really feels empowering in a sense.

Bitcoin is not currency; it's the internet of money!

With great ideas come great changes. Bitcoin's that.

Bitcoin isn't tied to any commodity - besides trust.

Bitcoin Cash won't be a viable alternative to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, they had this resiliency.

If you use a bad password, your Bitcoin will get stolen.

Bitcoin is probably the most fungible currency ever created.

Did I mention how good it feels to be a bitcoin millionaire?

Our basic thesis for bitcoin is that it is better than gold.

I'm not wed to bitcoin's blockchain. I'm blockchain-agnostic.

Right now Bitcoin feels like the Internet before the browser.

Before Bitcoin, I was just waiting around for the Singularity.

Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.

I think bitcoins are obviously becoming more and more relevant.

With Bitcoin hard-coded to be limited, it’s like a collectible.

Bitcoin is just one example of something that uses a blockchain.

Bitcoin is one of the most viral concepts I've ever encountered.

We think of bitcoin as mobile. It's not one company; it's broad.

I think Bitcoin is a massive conceptual and helpful step forward.

If you like gold, there are many reasons you should like Bitcoin.

We see bitcoin as potentially the greatest social network of all.

When we think of, it will be like a Nasdaq for bitcoin.

Bitcoin's got its issues. But it is not competing with perfection.

I invested in bitcoin - was that because of my degree? I don't know.

The only thing I can do with my bitcoin is give it to somebody else.

Bitcoin frees people from trying to operate in a modern market economy.

The hardest obstacles for Bitcoin companies are banking and regulation.

I don't think Bitcoin cares what the Chinese or American politicians do.

I don't think it matters at all if the Bitcoin Foundation were to close.

How high can bitcoin go? The real question is how low can the dollar go?

Bitcoin as an asset class is brilliant, as a means of payment, fantastic.

Bitcoin Cash was created by people who don't approve of Segregated Witness.

You can't stop things like Bitcoin. [...]. It's like trying to stop gunpowder.

We dealt with a lot of skepticism early on, when we first spoke about bitcoin.

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