I love blackjack.

I had a system at blackjack.

I actually dealt blackjack for a summer.

I wish I could play Blackjack really well.

I like blackjack. I like the psychology of poker.

I hate losing. Whether it's marbles, spades, blackjack, whatever it is.

If Mother Theresa went to Atlantic City, I don't think she'd start playing Blackjack.

At night when I can't sleep, I play blackjack online until I get tired or I lose my money.

If I gamble, I go for the lowest-end blackjack or slots. It's because I don't like to lose!

I like to play blackjack. I'm not addicted to gambling. I'm addicted to sitting in a semi-circle.

Casino games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, slot machines and so on, are stacked in favour of the house.

A long time ago, my grandfather used to play blackjack with me, when I was very small, and I quite enjoyed that.

To get a job as a blackjack dealer, you have to be able to count very quickly. Obviously, you need to do at least math, adding up to 21 very quickly.

Deck of cards, I always have 'em with me. We love to play on the planes when we travel. If I'm bored, I play Spades, Tonk, I'm a huge Blackjack player. Stay out of the casino, though.

Blackjack is very scientific. There's always a right answer and a wrong answer. Do you take a card, increase your bet, bet big or bet small. There's absolutely a right and wrong answer.

Some kids are always getting into trouble or doing stuff, and I stay away from those types. I know I am no better than anyone else in this world. I'm just an actor, that's nothing special. But I'm not into anything bad. Just blackjack.

I got into gambling when I was playing a casino. I was a hermit in those days. I would go onstage, go to my room, or if we had to travel, I'd get in a car or a plane, whatever. But I didn't do anything. One day, this friend of mine said, 'Do you want to play some blackjack?'

Betting on the success of innovative technologies in the marketplace can carry all the uncertainty and risk that betting on the next card in the deck does at a blackjack table in Las Vegas. There is a factor of randomness that must be factored in, but precisely how to do so is anyone's guess.

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