I feel good... considering I managed to wake up.

Israel's doors are open to collaboration with Bulgaria.

Good times are always where I am. I feel bored if I'm not there.

I am a first generation American, and my family is from Bulgaria.

I have a freaking tattoo of Bulgaria on my shoulder. I'm proud of it.

I am happy! I'm leaving on a trip and my wife is staying in Bulgaria.

I know him. He's a hot chilli pepper, just like me! (on Valeri Bojinov)

Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different countries.

Most wrestling fans in WWE heard about Bulgaria after I showed up on the scene.

I escaped from my home country, Bulgaria, to Czechoslovakia and then to the West.

Bulgaria is a fascinating, beautiful, difficult country, and I fell in love with it.

I am satisfied with everything in my life. Including the fact that I spent time in jail.

Bulgaria was the only Axis country to deflect insistent German demands for the deportation of its Jews.

I would have never thought that somebody like me from the small country of Bulgaria could make it in WWE.

There are some common problems in the Balkans in the settlement of which Bulgaria should also participate.

Tell me, what do they do for us in Bulgaria? Do they fix the prices? Or is there some kind of a free market?

Bulgaria is the first state that has been awarded for its excellent fight against iodine deficiency by UNICEF.

Um... Bulgaria is an interesting country. The people are lovely. There are potholes the size of small planets.

I attended sports school in Bulgaria just like my parents. I attended class twice a day and trained twice a day.

The United States is the only country left now, bar Romania, Bulgaria and Poland, that has this all-government system.

Migrants who set off for Europe don't want to go to Bulgaria or Hungary. They want to go to Germany, Austria, or Sweden.

Bulgaria has been deindustrialized by interest groups who extracted state assets like oil states extract the oil in their ground.

There's nothing like the discipline of having to work on a cold film set on the Danubian plain in Bulgaria. Boy, does it get cold.

You are not going to see me puffing around the pitch. There is a saying in Bulgaria that great quality doesn’t require much effort.

It doesn't really matter how famous I am. What's important is that Bulgaria is represented in a good and positive way all around the world.

I want to be on stage and perform and win Grammys and help out my family in Bulgaria, because they are struggling, and my mom and dad, too.

I owe a lot to this club and the supporters who were always there for me. They supported me even when I was suspended. (on his former club CSKA Sofia)

Romania and Bulgaria were particularly irresponsible. If they wanted to diminish their chances of joining Europe they could not have found a better way.

I really like Benjamin from Sweden with 'Dance You Off,' and Equinox from Bulgaria with 'Bones' - and they were really great to interview at the London Eurovision Party.

If you look at the map, there's Thrace, Greece, Bulgaria, and there's tiny Gallipoli. It is such a small part of the whole peninsula, and yet you only hear about this little tiny bit.

Bulgaria is a true friend of Israel, that stood up to save the Jewish people 70 years ago in Europe, and who stood by throughout the terror attack that took place in Burgas last July.

I will work for Bulgaria's strategic choice - Bulgaria's membership in the European Union and NATO. I think it is also extremely important to revive Bulgaria's relations with Russia, Ukraine and other strategic partners.

In Bulgaria, they use the Cyrillic alphabet, which is completely different from ours. You can't sound the words out, so you can't read street signs or packages in the grocery store! You have to rely on pictures and guesses.

Iran also has an extensive missile development programme. Iranian officials declare that the range of their modified Shahab-3 missiles is 2,000km, putting allied countries such as Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria within reach.

For years, I had a top secret clearance and never left Russia. Just once did I go to Bulgaria with my wife for a holiday at the Golden Sands resort, but I could not mention my real name. I was allowed to travel abroad only in the early 1990s.

I grew up in Bulgaria in a small city on the Black Sea Coast, so I was very interested in the sea, marine life, and everything related to it. But it was also a very dark place at night, so I could see the stars. And I just got very interested in it.

Bulgaria is fascinating. Because it had been a Communist country until the mid-80s, so it had just recently transitioned. And there were still the police towers on the street corners, where they look down - they were still there, although no one was in them.

We are aware that in 2005 our efforts to preserve the stability and prestige of the Republic of Bulgaria in the area of foreign policy, and our efforts to attain fully our strategic goals will be mostly contingent upon the way we address our domestic priorities.

I was born in Allied-controlled Pola. At the end of World War II, the victorious wartime Allied powers negotiated the details of peace treaties and borders with Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Finland. The Paris Treaty was signed on February 10, 1947. I was born a few days later.

So far, Vancouver is my favorite relocation city. It feels like home. Parts of it remind me of the east coast. It's very clean. The food is great. And the people are lovely. Not that I didn't love working in other glamorous locations like Downey, Detroit, Cleveland or Bulgaria... but, damn, it is fun to be Canadian.

My parents are actually very famous singers in Bulgaria. My dad was in a rock band, and my mom was in a pop group. They met, fell in love, and actually formed a group together to escape the country because it was Communist, and they couldn't leave. They didn't know any English but eventually found their way to America.

Poland is different from the other so-called socialist countries. We have a different background. Poland belongs to the West, not the East. We belong to the Mediterranean, Latin culture, not to the Byzantine, which is very different and which you find in Bulgaria and even parts of Czechoslovakia and, of course, Romania.

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