As far as festivals, nothing tops Cannes.

Cannes is the largest festival of world cinema.

When I have to go to Cannes, that is boring to me.

So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?

I have written movies that won prizes at Cannes and Venice.

In terms of film festivals, Cannes is the greatest launch pad.

The Monaco Grand Prix is in May right around the time of Cannes.

When you premiere somewhere like Cannes, it's huge. It's nerve-wracking.

I always go to the Cannes Film Festival and it's just such a glamorous time.

My favorite destinations include places in south of France, including Cannes.

I was in Cannes two years ago at our 'U23D' movie premiere. I love the French.

Though all festivals are important, this Cannes Festival starts off the season.

The first time that I came to Cannes, I think it was in 1953, I was 18 and unknown.

The first time I went to Cannes, Gus Van Sant was there in competition with 'Last Days.'

Ever since the movie premiered at Cannes, I've had a sudden surge of scripts and interest.

To get a film in Cannes is a real honor. To have it play and not get booed is a real relief.

Until you've been to Cannes, it's hard to describe to someone the magnitude of that festival.

Cannes is a little bit like French wine. There are certain years that people prefer over others.

Cannes is a very strange place. I tried to show up as best I could and to try not to be cynical.

I've been to Cannes 15 or 16 times, and every time I go, there's a kind of soul-stirring feeling.

I think Cannes is usually pretty fair in choosing what will play well to the home festival crowd.

Being with Al Gore on the red carpet in Cannes was exciting - he's like a rock star unto himself!

In 2009, I went to Cannes with a short film in the Kodak emerging program at the American Pavilion.

Cannes Film Festival prefers political films. We have to target certain festivals based on our films.

Looks is a matter of perception. At Cannes, Europeans think I am good looking, while in India, I am not.

My defining moment was when I finally went to Cannes and saw my name along with international filmmakers.

I like doing the promotional work. It's part of the film's process. Cannes was very wonderful to premiere.

Apart from 'Stoned,' I can't think of a film that's made me think, 'Blimey, that should have been at Cannes.'

I backpacked through France and Italy in my teens, and then I was at Cannes with the first movie I did in '84.

You don't want to meet anybody in Cannes. It's the worst place, I think, to meet somebody - one of the worst places.

I am the most senior actor in 'Devdas,' yet I was not invited to Cannes. I guess these things happen in the industry.

Cannes is a lot of work, since it's a market festival and a serious festival, and they really work you, understandably.

After a day in Cannes, I pass out before I even get to my bed. I'll get to my room, order room service, shower, and sleep.

Once a film is selected at Cannes, the crossover becomes very easy, thanks to the prestige and dignity it gains at Cannes.

If you approach Cannes with a sense of humor, nothing is that bad. You have to take it for what it is; otherwise, its silly.

If you approach Cannes with a sense of humor, nothing is that bad. You have to take it for what it is; otherwise, it's silly.

When I jumped off a roof in Cannes in a bee costume, I looked ridiculous. But this is my business; I have to humiliate myself.

There has never been a female director who has won an Oscar. There has only been one woman who won at the Cannes Film Festival.

I was super happy when I went to Cannes Film Festival - I got a full sponsorship from my favourite Danish brand, Mads Norgaard.

When I was 20 years old, my uncle was an arthouse distributor, and he would take me to Cannes every year to work as a film scout.

When I first got to Cannes, I was very insecure about everything, so I put on this extravagant facade. Can you blame me? I was 19.

After Cannes, my agent told me to get the next flight to LA. He was right. I had a part in 'Prime Suspect 3' by the end of the week.

Cannes or any other major festival is basically an animal in its own nature, creating very specific perceptions of films in a moment.

We're premiering 'The Neon Demon' in Cannes, which is the representation of 'The Neon Demon,' which is all about glamour and vulgarity.

Cannes is one of the biggest film festivals across the globe, and getting your film selected for a screening is quite a big achievement.

Money is being wasted on adverts that go right over a consumer's head. They may win awards at Cannes, but they lose at the cash register.

There would have been no Beats deal without the Samsung deal. It showed the number one company the importance of connecting with culture.

Political perspective and the Cannes festival are linked almost as inextricably as fast-food consumption and detrimental effects on health.

My dad made a film called 'Willow' when he was a young filmmaker, which screened at the Cannes film festival, and people were booing afterwards.

Filmmaking is not about gender. You cannot ask a president in a festival like Cannes to have, like, five movies directed by women and five by men.

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