For films, like my serials, I am looking for roles that help me evolve in the character.

The less you know about me, the easier it is to convince you that I am that character on screen.

The first and foremost criterion for me when selecting a film is the character I am playing, and then the director.

'OLTL' has now allowed me to sing through the character as Blair. If you've followed my 20-some-odd-year career, you know I am a singer.

I am lucky to have got the character of Twinkle to make my debut. I not only learnt so much playing the role, but it also gave me popularity.

If I am part of a movie, the character I handle should make sense to me at first and should also be convincing to the audiences, in terms of casting.

I am pleased to say that as I get older, I get less and less like the sitcom 'Miranda.' She is really a clown character, a heightened version of the 20-something me.

In 'Kalank,' I am playing a character, which is quite strong, quiet a little complex yet interesting, that drew me towards the character when I heard the narration from director Abhishek Varman.

That's what he was saying, the civil rights movement - judge me for my character, not how black my skin is, not how yellow my skin is, how short I am, how tall or fat or thin; It's by my character.

Theatre is something that keeps me very alert, and I am actively creating whether I am on stage or directing. In films, I feel I become more of an introvert, going deeper in the realism of a character.

I'd say I'm a pretty intense person. I'm definitely not my Denise character on 'Scrubs,' nor my Jane character on 'Happy Endings,' but I'm a mix of the two. I really feel that I'm kind of every character that I've ever played; it's just a part of me. And I am a bit of a control freak like Jane. I'm very, perhaps, obsessive like that.

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