O, thou art fairer than the evening air clad in the beauty of a ...

O, thou art fairer than the evening air clad in the beauty of a thousand stars.

Man is a substance clad in shadows.

The idea of seeing everybody clad the same is not really my cup of tea.

Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age.

If a man wants to objectify a woman, he will do it even if she's clad from head to toe.

Every man's closet must contain a trench coat. It's hard for any gentleman not to look dashing when clad in this swashbuckling style.

I have always played the homely girl who's clad in traditional attires which is why I get a lot of saree and jewelry brand endorsements.

Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of colour about him anywhere.

There are people who go clad in tunics and have nothing to do with furs, who nevertheless are lacking in humility. Surely humility in furs is better than pride in tunics.

I feel, at times, women in India go beyond their comfort zone just to clad the trend, and that automatically becomes a faux pas. If you are not comfortable with something, please don't wear it.

As a child, I could bike down the hill from my house and grab an ice-cold bottle of soda from the neighborhood grocer, which was nothing more than a corrugated metal shack run by two Indian men clad in sarongs.

In television, we are still catering to the middle class audience, I would not say regressive, but rooted in traditions. They still have babujis and dhoti-kurta clad characters. But in films the maas and babujis don't exist anymore.

How shall we remember Mahatma Gandhi, that eternal pilgrim of freedom? Born of the very spirit of India, steeped in the tradition, the song, the legend of our ancient land - and yet he was revolutionary. Unique among revolutionaries, he marched for freedom, clad in the robe of truth, with non-violence for his staff.

I spent my childhood clad in 1970s hand-me-downs, primarily from male cousins, which mainly consisted of a selection of beige, brown and orange dungarees. That, combined with a perfectly round pudding-bowl haircut, made me look, on a good day, like a cross between Ann Widdecombe, one of the Flower Pot Men, and a monk.

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