Let's remember what truly unites us. It's a common belief in a better economic future. A belief in a meritocracy.

Contrary to common belief, Christian fiction did not begin with Catherine Marshall, Janette Oke, or Frank Peretti.

Steve Fossett and I would share a common belief that it is possible and good to challenge yourself to the extreme.

In the EU you have half a billion people who share a common belief in democracy, in rights, in the kind of economic life we want.

The common belief is that you are either a dreamer or a realist. But idealism and pragmatism aren't as far apart as one might think.

There arose a belief in style - and in banality. Banality encompassed politics, too, because it was a common belief that politics were not worthy of art.

Contrary to common belief, the presumption of innocence applies only inside a courtroom. It has no applicability elsewhere, although the media do not seem to be aware of this.

We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandated of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them.

Women face so much at various levels - it can be as simple as the common belief that a woman is incapable of doing certain things or the fact that even if you do something wrong to her, she won't speak up for fear of embarrassment... The time is here that we all should fight against such wrongs.

I think it's really, really important to grow the consensus and to realize that there is always some value that can be shared with another American, on any issue. Starting from those points of common belief and shared values is very, I think, important to forging the consensus that allows these issues to more forward.

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