Remember that the Communist Party is a meritocracy in China.

My dad was a Communist Party member who fought for his country.

China's Communist Party is wary of independent-minded movements.

Well, it was alleged that he was a member of the Communist Party.

If the communist party is controlling China, they represent China.

My great-great-grandfather Julius founded the Communist Party in New York.

The Chinese Communist Party and the American people are locked in conflict.

I joined the Communist Party late in 1934. I got out a year and a half later.

I joined the Communist Party because I felt I had to be in some organization.

My parents were founders of the Cuban Communist Party, and I grew up extremely poor.

With me it was that defending the Communist Party was something worse than naming the names.

Unlike the Soviet Communist party, the Chinese Communist party chose to introduce capitalism.

I consider the philosophy of the Communist Party as not applicable to our American way of life.

If you look back at history, most important PR and propaganda was invented by the Communist Party.

We never had any money. All the money we used to get, my father would give to the Communist Party.

I mean, what are they scared of? Who's going to vote for anyone from the Communist Party, for God's sake?

What we're trying to do is to look at the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman Xi for who they really are.

In the case of Stalinism, people actually distorted science because it was for the good of the Communist Party.

To be a member of the Communist Party is to have a taste of the police state. It is a diluted taste but is bitter and unforgettable.

I joined the RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) in the early '80s. I'd be in it still but it was wound up at the end of the nineties.

On the face of it, China has won the Olympics. But it is not China that has won, but the Communist party. The Chinese people have lost.

Although some Clinton biographers have been quick to label Alinsky a communist, he maintained that he never joined the Communist Party.

There was a joke in Czechoslovakia: The Communist Party dance, it's one step forward, two steps backward, and everyone is still clapping.

For dynamic energy, driving force, and discipline, the Russian Communist Party is unique the world over, perhaps even throughout history.

My books were attacked constantly by the Communist Party for not hewing to the Party line. I have never hewed to a Party line of any kind.

Hungarian communists were the most talented. They convinced everybody that reforming the communist party was better than making a new party.

The A.N.C. was established in 1912 and the S.A. Communist Party in 1921, and so there has been an overlapping of membership all along the line.

By 1967, J. Edgar Hoover had concluded that the Black Panther Party had replaced the Communist Party as the gravest threat to national security.

Certainly we disagree with the Communist Party, as we disagree with other political parties who are trying to maintain the American way of life.

The Communists at that moment were very strong in Italy, and the Italian Communist Party was the biggest Communist Party outside the Soviet Union.

Of course the biggest mafia in Russia has always been the government; in Soviet times, the Communist Party, and now a circle of former KGB and FSB.

I believe there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party. It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Few people understand the magnitude of the catastrophe that happened late in the 1980s when the Communist Party had failed to modernize the Soviet Union.

Why did the Soviet Union disintegrate? Why did the Soviet Communist Party collapse? An important reason was that their ideals and beliefs had been shaken.

And at home in the United States we found continued and increased persecution, first of leaders of the Communist Party, and then of all honest anti-fascists.

China's one-child policy was born in 1980, after years of less severe measures to discourage births. The Communist Party promised that the policy would be temporary.

The principle of the Communist Party of Vietnam is collective leadership with accountability and responsibility of the individual, which can never become authoritarian.

China wants Western countries to be timid. Its strategic foreign policy has been to make any criticism of the Communist Party of China seem unreasonable or even Sinophobic.

It is often suggested that the A.N.C. is controlled by the Communist Party, by Communists. Well, I have been long enough in the A.N.C. to know that that has never been true.

Well, the Communists at that moment were very strong in Italy and the Italian Communist Party was the biggest Communist Party outside Soviet Union, there's no doubt about that.

Whatever labels may be attached to the fifteen charges brought against me, they all arise from my having been a member of the Communist Party and from my activities as a member.

But as in all cults, what's central to the Communist Party is the belief system and the elimination of nuance. From there you're very slowly led down the road to fanaticism and mass murder.

Until the age of 19, I lived in the Communist Party commune where eight families lived in 180 to 200 square feet of space. In that world, social justice was a given. We grew up valuing that.

I believed that I was being forced to sacrifice my family and my career in defense of the Communist Party, from which I had long been separated and which I had grown to dislike and distrust.

Most people in this country believe that the American Communist Party and its dupes are the chief internal enemy of our economic system and our form of government. This is a serious mistake.

All serious elite institutions, from the great London clubs to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, have always made sure that most people can't get into them. That's the point.

Whereas Canada and our allies see the rule of law, freedom of speech, and fair elections as the guardrails to a more secure world, Beijing sees them as a threat to the rule of the Communist Party.

Communist party leadership in China knows that Canada's political and media elite values feeling superior to the United States more than they value standing on principle on the international stage.

Socialism is undoubtedly in the throes of a crisis greater than at any time since 1917. The last half of 1989 saw the dramatic collapse of most of the communist party governments of Eastern Europe.

The Communist Party said that I must finish my studies because after the revolution in Germany people would be required with technical knowledge to take part in the building of the Communist Germany.

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