A Composition on the Piano

My religion lies in my composition.

Composition is frozen improvisation.

Composition is selective improvisation.

Even in front of nature one must compose.

I don't listen to much modern composition.

Drawing and composition are the same thing.

We are God's productions, His compositions.

Composition has almost always been solitary.

No one has the Houdini school of composition.

The composition of a tragedy requires testicles.

The act of composition is a series of discoveries.

How much finer things are in composition than alone.

An entire composition written in jazz could not live.

You have to know composition to be a good improviser.

The right use of color can make any composition work.

The oldest principle of composition: repeat everything.

Good composition is merely the strongest way of seeing.

The composition is already there, you just need to crop it

Music is the medium. Words merely enhance the composition.

My greatest lesson in composition was looking at paintings.

The other thing in composition is opening up the unconscious.

I studied harmony and composition in a very spontaneous manner.

Composition is definitely what I'm born to do, and it came last.

True nostalgia is an ephemeral composition of disjointed memories.

I'd like to play for you one of my compositions, my only composition.

The composition of a common world would be the definition of politics.

The composition of my desserts is taken care of by the farmers' market.

I love playing in Fantomas, which is very strict in terms of composition.

The 'Mozart Symphony No. 27' is an early composition. I find it charming.

In my photography, color and composition are inseparable. I see in color.

Cheerfulness, sir, is the principle ingredient in the composition of health.

A composition is an arrangement, built out of parts, that aims at seamlessness.

You should neither play bad compositions, nor, unless compelled, listen to them.

As time has gone on, I've gotten bigger and bigger. My body composition has changed.

I personally do not believe in politics, hatred, or anger in my musical composition.

The composition is the organized sum of the interior functions of every part of the work.

Thank you Rob for the honor you have brought to our city with this oustanding composition.

Composition gives proper meaning to the natural streams of sound that penetrate the world.

One composition is meagre, though it has many figures; another is rich, though it has few.

Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away.

It was always my dream to do non-film music, where I'm the voice and face of my composition.

The composition of the primary is so different than when I was first elected governor in 1978.

The Republican Party is a composition of the members of the party and not just the leadership.

Start with the foreground. Compositions fail when the foreground is treated as an afterthought.

The guitar is the ultimate vehicle for expression and composition for me. It's a part of my DNA!

Musical composition should bring happiness and joy to people and make them forget their troubles.

I don't believe in making two songs similar. Every composition must have its own unique character.

What has stayed true all the way through my work is my composition, I hope, and my sense of color.

When I got to college, I didn't take writing classes, just the standard freshman composition class.

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