Film is very condensed.

Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations.

It is with words as with sunbeams - the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.

I think all my life's story is condensed in my face. It is neither innocent nor coy. It speaks volumes.

If you be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams - the more they are condensed the deeper they burn.

It's fun to grow with a character over the course of a TV series. Video games are usually a much more condensed process.

If you would be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams - the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.

I find that often, room service menus are highly condensed. They tend to be a little bit fast food-oriented, even at the finest hotels.

All my life I've had a weight problem. As a child, I loved to eat. I would hide from my mother and drink whole cans of condensed milk in my room.

Literature transmits incontrovertible condensed experience... from generation to generation. In this way literature becomes the living memory of a nation.

I never liked the idea of giving interviews. One says many things, but when they are published, they become shortened, condensed. The ideas lose their meaning.

The traditional villain has died a natural death. Today even a hero can portray a negative character. There are no lines drawn. The scope for actors like me has condensed.

I know there's Brooklyn and all the boroughs, but Manhattan specifically is so condensed that the energy is very vibrant. Everywhere you look there is something happening.

In my family, education was something you endured. My parents weren't educated past high school, and the only book in our house was a 'Reader's Digest' condensed book. Can you imagine?

Our moon was born too small to harbor life. It came from the collision of a Mars-sized world into the primordial Earth. From that colossal crunch spun a disk of rocks that condensed into a satellite.

Articles themselves are condensed to narrow columns of text across 5, 6, 7 pages, and ads that are really distracting for the reader, so it's not a pleasant experience to 'curl up' with a good website.

I'm not a huge fan of scary movies, but I love doing them because your character arc gets condensed, and everything is elevated, and so you kind of have this amazing opportunity to go in many different places.

If you're going to a show that we're providing support for, or a large festival, you're obviously going to see a condensed version. We have to shave off some fat from the show, so we have to stick to the so-called 'bangers.'

I'm a very emotional writer. I always need to have a boyfriend. I always need to have some food. I always need to have a heater at my feet, and I drink this thing called Cool Brew, which I found in Louisiana. It's like condensed coffee.

Definitely for writing, what inspires me is poetry, which I have next to me all the time because I think they're doing what I'm doing, but much harder, more condensed. It's the same job, but they're more talented. All of them. So I just steal openly from them.

Bierce radiates brilliancy, and perhaps no other man of letters ever had a more ready command of condensed expression. For him, each word has its unique place in the peerage of words, and he would not use a word out of place any sooner than he would thrust an ape into a captain's saddle.

On 'Queer Eye' I come in with what I know, and I try to parlay that into lessons for our 'heroes.' But that's really listening to what they need. Sometimes it's a little more ambitious. Sometimes it's very simplistic. But it's got to be something that's condensed into a short amount of time.

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