I'm definitely a joker.

I try to use public transport, always.

Naturally, obviously, nudity is a part of life.

I've been part of five different bands in my time.

I watched 'The Shield.' That was a big show for me.

I'd love to do something where I played a musician.

Don’t never think that you haven’t got anything to learn.

I've had some strange notes from fans and a few weird gifts.

I had a pretty steep learning curve in film - as I'm still learning.

It's frustrating we still don't see more movies featuring strong women.

I did some British TV and bits and bobs here and there. I've been lucky.

I've always been freaked out in deep open water if there's a potential of sharks around.

Let's see... I have a thing for pretty legs. But most importantly, I like confident women.

Diving into Internet speculation is like playing with the devil. It's tempting, of course.

I saw 'Captain America' in 3D. It's cool. I liked the beginning. It's a really good setup.

British shows, especially on a first commission, don't get the cash that the U.S. shows get.

Sometimes the best parts are the leading men. But the little parts can be similarly gratifying.

I know I often get a job because of how I look. I hope that I keep the job because of how I act.

To me, the difference between New York and London is that things are boring and staid in London.

New York cops are very specific in terms of the way they talk and the way they handle themselves.

If you don't finish a day of stunts with a lot of bruises, you feel like you haven't done it right.

I think the best way to become a character is by osmosis as opposed to thinking directly about stuff.

I've got two brothers and two sisters, so there's five of us and we're all very close, which is cool.

My obsession is plastic packaging. It makes me sick, all the waste. Everything about it disappoints me.

I'm a bit of a dude. I like meat. But I am buying it more responsibly, where it's more sourced responsibly.

Every time I come, I'm still amazed at the breadth California has. Big Sur, Yosemite, the desert... I love it.

I think you can tell when a New York show isn't shot in the city. It's so iconic and has such a specific energy.

What I like about the 'Underworld' thing is that it's a mix of cool genres, as well as creating its own message.

I'm a pessimist by nature, so I don't believe something until someone has kind of punched me over the head with it.

I was in the school plays, I did a lot of music. I carried on through university for short films and loads of plays.

Inherently, I'm not a huge extrovert, so I actually find interviews and all the glamour to be a bit challenging sometimes.

Sometimes the nature of a big movie, the nature of the material, the scene doesn't have the richness that you'd want it to.

I find sharing intimate details with people that you don't know an interesting concept. I like to keep some things to myself.

You question, as anybody should, the overarching worth of your profession, right? So that's a question I've often asked myself.

You know what actors are like. You can sometimes be like, 'Darling, darling, we love each other,' but you don't really know them.

Read more. Read every time you go to bed; read in the day - because at least, reading a book, you can't be distracted by anything else.

Working with Woody Allen was extremely gratifying. He has such a vast catalog of great work that doing one of his films was somewhat unreal.

I want diversity in what I do, as that's what helps you in the long term. It's more fulfilling, and you'll have a longer shelf life as an actor.

I did my share of kid acting, like lots of us do. I even played King Herod when I was 6, but when I got to the end of my school period, that was it.

One of my fears would be getting torn apart by a great white shark. I love the ocean, but I always have this deep fear of getting torn apart by a great whitey.

I know there's Brooklyn and all the boroughs, but Manhattan specifically is so condensed that the energy is very vibrant. Everywhere you look there is something happening.

What is interesting, as well, is how much power homicide detectives have and how much respect. They are kind of rock stars, especially in New York. There are not that many of them.

Everybody has a bit of body armor they wear to protect themselves, and love is about trying to break it down. You have to see who a person really is and connect with her to break that armor.

I have the same friends I've had for years and the same family. Unless you love rock n' roll and Hollywood parties and having your photo taken, I don't think necessarily things need to change too much.

A great cologne can really attract a partner. Women particularly respond to smell, and they also have a good sense of memory in terms of men. I think it's very important for a man to wear a good fragrance.

I was in New Zealand and met this girl. Her sister dared me to bungee jump, so I did! It was a spur-of-the-moment decision - I wanted to impress the girl, and it worked! We were in a relationship after that.

I always think that you finish one movie, you start a new one, and you think, 'OK. I did that last one. Now I've learned. I know how this works.' Then by the end of the movie, you think, 'No, I don't, really.'

New York police force seems like unlike any other in America and even the world. There's a very specific culture dynamic, a specific chemistry. There's almost a specific set of rules because of the city and the size of it.

My fear in life, I don't have any kind of specifics like snakes or spiders or anything but I think if I was covered in buttermilk naked running down the street being chased by Gandalf, I'd say, or I don't know, I'm just making it up!

I know that everyone wants to know about 'Downton Abbey,' but the truth is that it was only a few days out of my life. Still, you play a distinctive part on a hit series, and everyone suddenly knows who you are. Isn't it crazy how this business works?

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